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Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug "Ljubljana, Slovenia" Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug

Možnosti trackovatelného předmětu
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Tisknutelné informace pro připojení k "Ljubljana, Slovenia" Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug Tisk informací o předmětu
Tento listing sleduje 2 hráčů.
____Unite for Diabetes Send Message to Owner Napsat autorovi
Cestuje od:
Monday, 04 December 2006
Původem z:
New York, United States
Současná pozice:
Neznámá pozice

Vlastník si nepřeje, aby se předmět stal součástí něčí sbírky.

Při zmínce o tomto předmětu např. na fóru použij toto referenční číslo: TB1AQY0.

Loguješ trackovatelný předmět poprvé? Klikni sem.

Současný úkol

The goal for this Unite For Diabetes Travel Bug is to raise awareness of diabetes by traveling to Ljubljana and within Ljubljana, collecting photographs and geocaching logs along the way. Please log your visit and move me to a new geocache.

O tomto předmětu

Unite for Diabetes Travel BugThis Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug is part of the Unite for Diabetes Geocaching Campaign. To find out more about the Campaign and enter the photo contest, please visit http://unite.geocaching.com.

This Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug is dedicated to the people in Ljubljana, Slovenia who have been affected by Diabetes. View Geocaches near Ljubljana.

Historie putování (8250.8mi) Zobrazit mapu

Mark Missing 05/02/2015 Krönung marked it as missing   Zobrazit log

This is an automated message.
This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Write note 08/25/2014 Felberich posted a note for it   Zobrazit log

Not seen in “Eilenburger Bahnhof“ :-(

Dropped Off 07/21/2014 Omichen placed it in Eilenburger Bahnhof Sachsen, Germany - 11.67 miles  Zobrazit log

Because nobody retrieved or discovered this TB since June 26th in cache "Eilenburger Bahnhof" I feared that I had dropped another TB in this cache. But now the other TB (also a ring on a chain) had been discovered in another cache, so I know, I was right the first time.
I hope, this TB is still in the cache and had not been "muggled".
I wrote a note and asked following cacher for a discovery-log...

Retrieve It from a Cache 07/17/2014 Omichen retrieved it from Eilenburger Bahnhof Sachsen, Germany   Zobrazit log

Ups, I made a mistake and did mark the wrong TB as "dropped off".
So I have to retrieve it again.

Visited 07/14/2014 Omichen took it to Der Riese von Groitzsch Sachsen, Germany - .7 miles  Zobrazit log
Visited 07/13/2014 Omichen took it to Reitweg Gotha Sachsen, Germany - .65 miles  Zobrazit log
Visited 07/13/2014 Omichen took it to Gotha Sachsen, Germany - 186.1 miles  Zobrazit log
Visited 07/12/2014 Omichen took it to Rundweg Machern 6 - Schloßblick Püchau Sachsen, Germany - 11.76 miles  Zobrazit log
Dropped Off 06/26/2014 Omichen placed it in Eilenburger Bahnhof Sachsen, Germany - 5.24 miles  Zobrazit log

Now it's time to say Good Bye.
I hope someone will take you more south in direction of Slovenia.
Maybe some cachers from Leipzig are spending their holidays there or nearby.
Have a safe trip!

This entry was edited by Omichen on Sunday, 29 June 2014 at 14:57:03 UTC.

Write note 06/23/2014 sonček posted a note for it   Zobrazit log

I'm tracking this TB from the time our team helped a bit to create its name and a mission. That was in a distant year 2006. Still, after all this years the TB is traveling and is more or less on its route to its destination.

Even though I wonder. if the TB will ever make it to Slovenia, its great to see that its spreading the message.

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