Mole's High-dout 2 / Hill View 3 Traditional Cache
Mole's High-dout 2 / Hill View 3
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This is a combination of next in the series of Mole's Hill View series and a re-located 'High-dout' cache

Almost 2 years ago to the day I hid a cache at GCKBWR (Mole's Secret High-dout) and stated that this was location was reputed to be near the highest point in Kent.
However I later learned that in fact there was an even higher point (albeit only by a few feet) which was not far away from the original - and here it is.
I noted this to be at 807ft above sea level (246 metres) - a few yards just up the road would be the highest point in London I believe, as the border runs just passed Chestnut Avenue.
I have also combined this with the next in my 'Hill view 'series - though you will have to do a little detour to see some good views overlooking Westerham and surrounding area.
Two parking places for this cache
One at TQ 434 567 which is the beginning of a private road (Chestnut Avenue) this is a public footpath however so walk from here on in.
Or - park at TQ 437 557 which (as you will see) is at the start of a footpath (only space for two cars here though)
The cache container is small and has a small selection of items and log book.
Good luck and enjoy
Tim - ddm
Additional Hints
Sebz Purfgahg Nirahr tb bire gur fgvyr - pnpur vf 165 cnprf ba yrsg 3 sbbg hc va fznyy gerr jvgu znal gehaxf.