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Sandstone & Solitude Tradiční keška

Kešku založil GEO.JOE Napsat autorovi
Založeno : 08/13/2006
2 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

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Popis kešky

An easily accessed, but hidden, collection of natural rock formations near Breeden Trestle, just off the Tunnel Hill Rail-to-Trail.

What a collection of hidden treasures this location is. Within just 500 feet from the Tunnel Hill Trail and just 200 feet of the cache you will see many great rock formations, vistas, and maybe even a water fall. Just south of the cache is a small sandstone arch/window with a spring and lush moss just past the arch. Following the ledge south you will see a balanced rock, a large split boulder that you can walk between the two halves and then emerge onto terraced sandstone with a nice view. Above the arch and split boulder is a really nice sandstone glade. South east along the bluff from the terraced sandstone you may see seasonal water falls. If you hear water falling you can make your way through the scrub oak to the water falls or you can work your way down the sandstone terraces west to get in the valley where you will find a lush area with two more springs. From the valley you can work your way to beneath Breeden Trestle or follow the horse trail back to the bike trail.

To reach the cache from Tunnel Hill Trail, follow the horse trail at N37 30.550 W88 51.825.

There are many access points to the Tunnel Hill Trail depending on your ability and distance you want to ride/hike. The Park offers parking lots with restrooms, water and picnic tables at Tunnel Hill (N37 31.423 W88 50.317) and Vienna (N37 24.993 W88 53.183. Breeden Trestle is 2.5 miles down hill from Tunnel Hill (5 miles round trip) and 7.5 miles from Vienna mostly flat for the first 5 miles then slight uphill grade to the Trestle (15 mile round trip). I also use two other access points and just park along the road by the Bike trail. The first is at Bloomfield (N37 27.211 W88 52.434) and this is 4.25 miles to the trestle mostly uphill but a nice down hill ride back to the car (8.5 mile round trip). The closest access point is at Sandburn (N37 30.553 W88 50.534) at just 1.5 miles down hill to the trestle (3 mile round trip). From Sandburn you can easily ride the .5 mile north to see the tunnel near my Tunnel Hill cache, then ride the steepest grade of the trail down to Breeden Trestle and then just ride back the 1.5 to your car when finished. If you can arrange two cars or a shuttle the prettiest and easiest ride on the Tunnel Hill Trail is from Tunnel Hill to Vienna.

For more information on Tunnel Hill State Trail go to : http://dnr.state.il.us/lands/Landmgt/PARKS/R5/tunnel.htm


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