Přeskočit na obsah

Gelt Woods Cache Tradiční keška

Kešku založil AndeeC Napsat autorovi
Založeno : 04/13/2006
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Velikost: Size:   malá (malá)

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Popis kešky

This cache is located within Gelt Woods near to Brampton in Cumbria. There are good paths throughout the woods offering some scenic walks.

There are several different ways to enter the woods but parking is best at 54 55.491N 002 45.023W at Low Gelt Bridge. From the car park follow the path into the woods. The quickest way to the cache is to take the left hand upper fork of the path some 5 minutes walk from the car park. The cache is a small tupperware box containing usual swaps.

Nápověda (Dešifrovat)

Oruvaq naq haqre oenpxra pbirerq cvyr bs zbffl ybtf.

Dekódovací klíč


(písmena v horní řadě odpovídají písmenům v dolní řadě a naopak)