Le Mont Ursuya. Traditional Cache
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Le mont
Ursuya (678 mètres). La montagne aux sources.
- The
springs mountain.
- Vous pouvez
garer votre voiture à la sortie du village de Celhay (Zelai), aux
coordonnées suivantes :
43° 21.388 N
01° 19.835 W
Bon GéoCaching
- Park your car at the edge of the Celhay (Zelai)
village :
43° 21.388 N
01° 19.835 W
- You are now at
an altitude of 330 meters. After going up for 3/4 hour and 263
meters higher, you arrive at the following coordinates :
43° 20.822 N
01° 20.158 W
This is the place where is the cache.
GeoCaching ...
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)