Amelia also imparted that, "Preparation, I have often said, is rightly two-thirds of any venture."
You will need to do some preparation to find this cache. Proceed to the above coordinates. When you get there, learn as much as you can about the following aviation milestone.
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Amelia Earhart was the first person to fly solo the 2,408-mile distance across the Pacific between Honolulu and Oakland, California; this was also the first flight where a civilian aircraft carried a two-way radio. After an 18 hour flight, she landed at Oakland, with thousands of cheering fans to welcome her. Ten pilots had already lost their lives attempting this crossing.
President Roosevelt sent his congratulations..."You have scored again... (and) shown even the "doubting Thomases" that aviation is a science which cannot be limited to men only."
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To complete your preparation, add 64 to the day Amelia took off. The result is the number of feet to the cache from the above coordinates. Now subtract 1630 from the year of the flight. The result is the bearing you need to follow to find the cache.
Good luck! And remember: "Adventure is worthwhile in itself." AE

Amelia landing in Oakland, CA
This is the fifth cache in our Iki series. Iki is the Hawaiian word for little or small. The Iki caches are usually micros at easy to get to points of interest.