Sleeping Beauty Virtual Cache
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This cache is only accessible Monday-Friday 7:30am to 3:30pm / Saturday and Sunday 8:00am to 4:30pm.
This cache is located in a very old and locally historic place. Take time to look around. If you know Miami's history, you'll recognize many names...Julia Tuttle, Burdine, Sewell, Peacock and more. I don't advise doing this one alone as it's not in a very good area, but when we were there we had no problems and were the only people there. To get the smiley for finding this cache, you must send me a message through (PLEASE NO EMAILS) with your answers to the following questions: 1)the name of the "Sleeping Beauty". 2)What makes her resting place so unusual. 3)What side of the cache is the writing on (N,S,E,W)? I guarantee you've probably never seen one like this before! DO NOT POST ANY PICTURES OF THE CACHE SITE. I will delete them since they would automatically spoil it.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)