Mikrokes je umisena na jednom z nejfrekventovanejsich mist v Praze - primo na rampe Narodniho muzea. Pri vyzvedavani a ukladani cache budte maximalne opatrni, vsichni pritomni turiste budou s nejvetsi pravdepodobnosti koukat prave Vasim smerem :-)))
Rampa s fontanou ma dve ramena bocnich pristupovych cest a trojramenne schodiste, lemované balustradami. Na koncich balustrad bocnich cest stoji dva piskovcové obeliskove kandelabry zdobené ceskymi znaky, s zeleznymi lucernami, ktere zhotovil r. 1889 umelecky kovar Vaclav Nemec. Kandelabry z tehoz modelu byly zhotoveny i pro chodniky u Narodniho divadla. Fontana ma nadrze z piskovce, cervene misenské zuly a zluteho rakouskeho mramoru, jez zhotovila rakouska firma Oberalm (dokonceno v lete 1890). Bronzovy chrlic vody v podobe kartuse s maskou lva byl podle dodaneho modelu Bohuslava Schnircha odlit r. 1890 Vaclavem Maskem. Sochy nad fontanou symbolizuji zeme ceskeho kralovstvi: uprostred je Cechie doprovazena vlevo rekou Labe a vpravo Vltavou, na okrajich balustrady sedi vlevo alegorická postava Moravy a vpravo mladik predstavujici Slezsko. Vsechny sochy jsou dilem Antonina Wagnera, jemuz vypomahal Cenek Vosmik. Podle puvodniho zameru mela stat za Cechii na soklu uprosterd schodiste jezdecka socha sv. Vaclava. Knize tu mel symbolizovat ochranu ceských zemi. Projekt byl pak pozmenen ve prospech pomniku na Vaclavskem namesti.
The microcache is placed at one of the busiest places in Prague: right at the ramp of the National Museum. Be most careful when retrieving and replacing the cache: all the tourists there will most probably look in your direction :-)))
There are two side staircases with balustrades leading to the ramp with the fouintain. At the ends of the balustrades there are two sandstone pillars decorated with Czech insignias and iron lanterns, made in 1889 by artistic smith Mr.Vaclav Nemec. The same model of pillars was used for the National Theater in Prague. The basins of the fountain are made from sandstone, red Meissen granite and yellow Austrian marble Oberalm, made in 1890. The brass lion mask in the fountain was made in 1890 by Mr.Vaclav Masek. The statues above the fountain symbolize the countries of Czech Kingdom: in the middle there is Czechia with Labe River at the left and Vltava River at the right, the statue at the left side of the balustrade symbolizes Moravia and the young man at the right Silesia. According to the original project there should be a statue of St. Wenceslas in the middle of the staircase, behind the Czechia statue - the prince as the symbol of protection of Czech lands. The project was later changed and St. Wenceslas statue was placed down at the square.

Co vsechno muzete v nasi cache najit se muzete dozvedet treba zde !