Melakwa's Heaven Traditional Cache
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Park at the Lake Melakwa Trailhead. Be sure to also grab Peak Freak's Melakwa Lake Geocache.
Have you wondered what's the heck it's like up there at Melakwa Pass? Well, this cache should get you scrambling up to it and you will see incredible views!!! Not for children...much of the route past Upper Lake Melakwa is rock. You will note fragmented trail here and there, but it's basically a scramble. Also is the back way to Gem/Snow Lakes. Gem lake is visible from here! To find the cache, stay on the ridge and follow the arrow up a rough trail. It's a small lock-snap tupperware container. Might want to bring a writing intrument in case the pen in the cache doesn't work. Forgot to put in a pencil. Also first finder...could you please bring a geo sheet for the cache. Thanks!
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Frr gubfr gjb gerrf pybfr gbtrgure? Ng gur onfr bs n ebpx gung'f arkg gb bar bs gurz. Pbirerq jvgu onex naq ybj-tebjvat rireterraf bireync gur pnpur uvqr fcbg.