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SIGH-4 Mystery keška

Keška byla archivována.

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Kešku založil MeBuff8Fan Napsat autorovi
Založeno : 05/07/2003
4 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Velikost: Size:   střední (střední)

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Popis kešky

DO NOT USE THE LISTED COORDINATES! The cache is not there and they have nothing to do with finding it. You must solve the cryptograph below to find the correct coordinates.

The coordinates for this cache have been obscured. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to figure out the method(s) of encryption. I will list no clues to start. After a week, and every week for 4 weeks, I will post a clue. The fifth clue should not be needed, however if someone cannot figure it out then email me and I will send it to you.

Here are the encrypted coordinates:


Good luck!

Nápověda (Dešifrovat)

Gur pnpur vf bss genvy ol nccebkvzngryl 150 srrg. Pyhr 1: Cbylnycunorgvp. Pyhr 2: Oynvfr qr Ivtrarer. Pyhr 3: Gur xrl vf jung lbh frrx. Pyhr 4: Pnrfne-1

Dekódovací klíč


(písmena v horní řadě odpovídají písmenům v dolní řadě a naopak)