Preskočite na vsebino

Kali's Queen Anne Kache Tradicionalni zaklad

Ta zaklad je zaklenjen, vendar je opis še vedno na voljo.
Postavljen : 05/03/2003
1 out of 5
1 out of 5

Velikost: Size:   običajna (običajna)

Pridružite se in si oglejte opis zaklada. Registracija je brezplačna!


si kako poteka geolov

Povezano spletišče:

Pomembno: za uporabo storitev veljajo določila in pogoji iz naše izjave o omejitvi odgovornosti.

Opis zaklada:

Kali will be moving soon, if you want to log this cache you better do it soon!

Kali obtained permission from the people that live here to place this cache. You can see it from the street or sidewalk. Feel free to come up the steps, the only thing dangerous in the yard are a few thorns from the rose bushes.

This cache is filled with goodies for dogs and their kids. Adults you may find a treat or two as well.

Kali added a few tennis balls and puppy treats. Ddog also donated a few books for some early readers.


Dodatni namigi (Dešifriraj)

Gur pnpur vf nccebkvzngryl unys jnl gb gur sebag qbbe ba gur pbapergr cngu.

Ključ za dešifriranje


(črka zgoraj se spremeni v črko spodaj in obratno)