Historic JAG (Just Another Geocache)
Read more about The Historic Geocaches' campaign.
Don't bother looking on the ground for this one. If you do find it on the ground please put it back on the fork of of the trunk of the tree above it. (It occasionally falls out I blame squirrels!
You should be able to see the angel just before you go foraging for the cache.
Sadly a fence has now been built to block access from a southerly direction.
Hobby JAG (Just Another Geocache)
Did this one as I suspect folks are not exploring enough of the Hogs Back during a quick foray for JAG001
This cache is aimed at Numismatologists, so bring coins to swap! The older and more foreign the better!
CACHE REBOOTED April 2021 (Then Stolen weeks later)
CACHE REBOOTED June 2021 20 Coins in small plastic pot, inside the Bag
Please BRING Weird coins to swap!! No taking, without giving!
leave more than you take,
avoid duplicating coins,
no present day British coins,
don’t over-fill the plastic pot!
1) Bring a smaller coin than the smallest one in the cache!
Email me with coin description, a picture and the diameter of the coin in mm, and I will add you to the Tiny Coin Hall of Fame Challenge
Don’t be surprised if I insert an even smaller coin!!
2) Bring a coin from the smallest country by land mass
Current smallest Cayman Islands 259 square kilometres Please advise so I can update the challenge, and tell me if you want to be recognised in here.