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MiGO Geocaching 101 Dogodek

Postavljen : Sunday, 19 May 2024
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si kako poteka geolov

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Opis zaklada:

19 May 2024, 12:00 - 14:00

MiGO Geocaching 101 during Huron River Day

Festival starts at 12 noon and finishes at 4 PM. The geocache event time is when I will be the MiGO booth volunteer.

Original MiGO Cache Logo

Michigan Geocaching Organization (MiGO) will have a booth at the Huron River Day festival. The festival is free and open to the public.

We will have Geocaching 101 supplies to teach new geocachers about this amazing hobby. If you are an experienced cacher, you could accompany a new cacher to hunt for their first finds (this is not mandatory, but could be a fun thing to do).

In addition to some new caches around the area, come enjoy the beautiful park, guest speakers/ live music, nature walks, and food trucks with your fellow cachers. Be sure to dress for the weather, as this is an outdoor event only.

Please note that if your idea of going to an event is getting exactly to ground zero of the coordinates, the coords might not be where the MiGO booth is. You may need to look around for the booth and/or use your geosenses.

Additional note from MrAndMrsMan: There will be 7 new geocaches published for this event. Most are geared toward newer geocachers but there is at least one that's a real doozy. As the CO of these caches we're permitting anyone who attends this event to claim a shared FTF. Go get 'em.

Dodatni namigi (Za ta zaklad ni na voljo nobenega namiga.)