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Third Tuesday 2024-05: Morbier cheese Dogodek

Postavljen : Tuesday, 21 May 2024
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si kako poteka geolov

Pomembno: za uporabo storitev veljajo določila in pogoji iz naše izjave o omejitvi odgovornosti.

Opis zaklada:

21 May 2024, 17:30 - 19:30

A Geocaching Social event.


Third Tuesday continues for another year. New theme for a new year.

Our scheduled hours are always soft, the CO will usually be early and is always happy to hang around late. Frankly when we get going we often run later than scheduled.

FOOD: Some of our venues have food, some do not, whichever case will be noted in the description near the bottom of the page.

PLEASE NOTE with your log if you do not expect to arrive until after 7:00PM, and I'll be sure to hold out for your arrival.

Morbier cheese

Morbier is a semi-soft cows' milk cheese of France named after the small village of Morbier in Franche-Comté. It is ivory colored, soft and slightly elastic, and is immediately recognizable by the distinctive thin black layer separating it horizontally in the middle. It has a yellowish, sticky rind.[2]

The aroma of Morbier cheese is mild, with a rich and creamy flavour. It has a semblance to Raclette cheese in consistency.

Traditionally, the cheese consists of a layer of evening milk curd and a layer of morning milk curd. When making Comté, cheesemakers would end the day with leftover curd that was not enough for an entire cheese. Thus, they would press the remaining evening curd into a mold, and spread ash over it to protect it overnight. The following morning, the cheese would be topped with morning milk curd. The layer of ash is left in place in between the layers of milk.

Today, it is typically prepared in factories and larger dairy cooperatives from one batch of milk, with the traditional ash line replaced by edible commercial vegetable ash.

The Place:
Eavesdrop Brewery

The Date:
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Time:
5:30pm to 7:30pm

Please note that this venue DOES have food available, please do not bring outside food.

Come out for an evening of friends and stories. Everyone is welcome!

A note about trackables: Feel free to bring them, just please don't leave them unattended on the tables, they can be accidentally lost when the tables are cleaned.

Dodatni namigi (Za ta zaklad ni na voljo nobenega namiga.)