Event will be from 10:00am to 10:30am. Should it rain that morning, the event will be cancelled due to scrambling over slippery rocks, and an announcement will be posted prior to 8:00am.
Also the event is on Arizona State Trust Land and a permit is required. Permits can be purchased online at https://asld.secure.force.com/recreationalpermit/ and are good for one year from date of purchase.
Lace up your hiking boots and let's meet at the posted coordinates. Allow 45 minutes to one hour from the parking coordinates. Round trip hiking is roughly two miles. From the parking coordinates head east along the north side of the road respecting the neighbors' properties. At a large pile of rocks look for the beginning of a trail to the north. Use the instructions on the two intermediate waypoints to get across the wash to that trail. Continue on that trail. There should be cairns marking the trail as you go along the way. Towards the end expect some boulder hopping and then look for the trail continuing to GZ. While there we can exchange TB's and look at the petroglyphs. Also there is a cache GC6CK9G nearby. There are also caches near the trail to or from GZ.