Deček s piščaljo je že mnogo let simbol RTV Slovenija. Pojavlja se namreč v Kumarjevem najbolj znanem delu: legendarni TV-špici, ki jo je Kumar posnel za drugo poskusno TV-oddajanje iz Zagreba 23. junija 1957 in ki je še nekaj desetletij začenjala in končevala slovenski televizijski program. Postala je nekakšen zaščitni znak slovenske televizije.
To je bila sicer prva televizijska špica, ki je napovedovala posamezni nacionalni program v jugoslovanskem prostoru. Narejena je bila iz treh ločenih posnetkov, ki se v triku sestavijo v eno (kip dečka, oblaki, posneti s časovno lupo, in animacija Ljubljanskega gradu z napisom RTV Ljubljana).
Pozneje je doživela neštete spremembe, a izvirnika z glasbo skladatelja Uroša Kreka ni dosegla nobena več.
"Dečka sva šla z očetom iskat s kolesom h kiparju. To poldrugi meter visoko in skoraj osemdeset kilogramov težko skulpturo je namestil na en pedal, zadaj pa sem se peljal jaz, da sem jo pomagal držati, in tako sva ga pripeljala domov. Doma je raziskoval, kako se mora deček zavrteti, in tako je bilo potem tudi v špici," se spominja sin Marko.
Špica veliko pove tudi o Kumarju samem. Bil je namreč glasbeno izobražen, igral je na violino, pa tudi na piščalko. Z njo je rad igral slovenske ljudske pesmi, saj je bil velik domoljub. Izjemno rad pa je tudi fotografiral oblake.
V Ljubljani Dečka s piščaljo lahko srečamo v Tivoliju in na Kolodvorski ulici, stoji pa tudi na zelenici gradu na Brdu pri Kranju.. Dečka s piščaljo mnogi označujejo za popolno svobodno delo, ki ga je kipar izdelal leta 1942. Brez zunanjih rastrskih učinkov je kipar v masi, kot vedno, reševal problem proporca, skladnost mas in izrazito izčiščenost oblik. Kip je v njegovem nastanku poosebljal mladostno odporno moč slovenskega naroda in je bil nad stopnicami v Tivoliju javno postavljen ob prvi obletnici osvoboditve.
Za vpis tega zaklada je potrebno obiskati obe lokaciji. (waypoints)
- Na obeh lokacijah poišči letnico in najdi avtorja spomenika.
- Na email (kjer je XX razlika med letnicama (od večje odštej manjšo)) pošlji prazen mail s svojim geocaching vzdevkom za subject.
- S povratnim mailom boš prejel ključno besedo, ki mi jo pošlješ preko geocaching centra za sporočila. Na odgovor ne rabiš čakati.
- Na eni izmed dveh lokacij (waypoints) se slikaj in sliko pripni v log.
POMEMBNO: Vpisi brez poslanih odgovorov in fotografije bodo izbrisani!

The boy with the flute has been the symbol of RTV Slovenia for many years. He appears in Milan Kumar's most famous work: the legendary TV opening credits, which Kumar filmed for the second experimental TV broadcast from Zagreb on 23 June 1957, and which continued to open and close the Slovenian television programme for several decades. It became a kind of trademark of Slovenian television.
It was the first television opening credit to announce a single national programme in the Yugoslav area. It was made up of three separate images that were composed into one (statue of a boy, clouds filmed with a time loupe, and an animation of Ljubljana Castle with the RTV Ljubljana sign).
It has undergone countless changes, but none of them has reached the original, with music by composer Uroš Krek.
"My father and I went to the sculptor's on our bicycle to look for the little boy statue. He put the sculpture, which was one and a half metres high and weighed almost eighty kilograms, on one pedal, and I rode behind to help hold it up, and that's how we got it home. At home, he was researching how to turn the statue, and that's how it was in the opening credit," recalls son Marko.
The opening credit also tells a lot about Kumar himself. He was musically trained, played the violin and also the flute. He liked to play Slovenian folk songs with it, because he was a great patriot. He also loved taking photographs of clouds.
The author's free work, The Boy with the Whistle, can be found not only in Tivoli and Kolodvorska Street, but also on the lawn of the Castle at Brdo pri Kranju. The boy with the flute is considered by many to be his complete free work, which the sculptor created in 1942. Without external raster effects, the sculptor solved the problem of proportion, the harmony of the masses and the expressive clarity of the forms in the mass, as he always did. The sculpture, in its creation, embodied the youthful resilient strength of the Slovenian nation and was publicly erected above the stairs in Tivoli on the first anniversary of the liberation.
To log this cache it is necessary to visit both locations. (waypoints)
Logging tasks:
- Find the year and the author of the monument at both locations.
- Send a blank e-mail with your geocaching nickname as subject to (where XX is the difference between the two years (substract the smaller from the larger) )
- You will receive a keyword in the return email, which you send to me via geocaching message centre. You don't need to wait for a reply.
- Taka a picture of yourself at one of the two waypoints and attach it to your log.
IMPORTANT: Logs without sent answers and photos will be deleted!
Virtual Rewards 3.0 - 2022-2023
This Virtual Cache is part of a limited release of Virtuals created between March 1, 2022 and March 1, 2023. Only 4,000 cache owners were given the opportunity to hide a Virtual Cache. Learn more about Virtual Rewards 3.0 on the Geocaching Blog.