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The Gift Tradicionalni zaklad

Postavljen : 05/25/2021
1.5 out of 5
2 out of 5

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si kako poteka geolov

Pomembno: za uporabo storitev veljajo določila in pogoji iz naše izjave o omejitvi odgovornosti.

Opis zaklada:

-This is the work that I have to do.  Tell Giles … tell Giles I figured it out.  And, and I’m okay.  And give my love to my friends.  You have to take care of them now.  You have to take care of each other.  You have to be strong.  The hardest thing in this world is to live in it.  Be brave.  Live … for me.


An extension of the BTVS Trail.  All  containers are pill bottles that should be easy finds.  They’re a good excuse to go for a walk, run, cycle or snowshoe along this segment of the Trans Canada Trail.  Be careful once you leave the trail, as the slope can be pretty steep in places.  


Dodatni namigi (Za ta zaklad ni na voljo nobenega namiga.)