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»VENI, VIDI, VICI…« Virtual Cache

Hidden : 1/10/2020
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Geocache Description:


… je izrek, ki ga pripisujejo Gaju Juliju Cezarju, rimskemu vojskovodji, konzulu rimske republike in, na koncu, diktatorju rimskega imperija. V času njegovega vladanja so rimske armade zasedle in Rimu priključile tudi ozemlje današnje Slovenije. Za zmagovite rimske legije in njihovega poveljnika je torej tudi pri nas veljalo: »Prišel, videl, zmagal!«


RIMSKI IMPERIJ in mesto EMONA, rimska predhodnica Ljubljane

Pred približno dva tisoč leti:

»Emonci smo ponosni na veliko novogradnjo. Nanjo so danes slovesno namestili marmorni cesarski gradbeni napis, s črkami elegantno vklesanimi v veliko marmorno ploščo: To, za mesto tako pomembno gradnjo sta finančno omogočila pokojni cesar ter njegov posinovljenec in naslednik ...

Naše utrjeno vojaško naselje pod gričem, ob reki Nauportus je staro približno 50 let. Zgradili smo ga kmalu po priključitvi teh ozemelj Rimu. A zdaj je Emona postala pravo rimsko mesto. V varnem zavetju obzidja se krepi obrt, na Forumu cveti trgovina, svetišča so polna, vedeževalci hitijo napovedovati prihodnost meščanom in mestu. V zadnjem času se je tu marsikaj spremenilo…«

Od 1. stoletja pr. n. št. naprej je bilo ozemlje današnje Slovenije približno pet stoletij del velikega, odlično organiziranega in visoko omikanega Rimskega imperija; njegova duhovna zapuščina je temelj zahodne civilizacije.


LAPIDARIJ* – zbirka kamnitih spomenikov

* Lapis v latinščini pomeni kamen

Po zatonu Rimske države so se na širokem območju imperija, tudi pri nas, ohranili številni kamniti spomeniki z napisi. Ker so ti mnogo številčnejši od ostalih antičnih pisnih virov, predstavljajo prvovrstne zgodovinske dokumente svojega časa.

Del cesarskega gradbenega napisa, ki je omenjen na začetku opisa, je ohranjen in si ga lahko ogledate v lepo urejenem lapidariju Narodnega muzeja Slovenije. Več kot 200 rimskih kamnitih spomenikov pripoveduje obiskovalcem zgodbe o slovenskem ozemlju v rimskem obdobju od 1. stoletja pr.n.št. do 4. stoletja. Razstavljeni so v dveh delih muzeja.

Prvi del lapidarija je v pritličju muzejske stavbe, kjer lahko sledimo spomenikom od najstarejših, iz obdobja Julija Cezarja, do poznorimskih, iz 3. in 4. stoletja. Največ je nagrobnikov, številni so votivni oltarji, ki so jih posamezniki postavili kot zaobljubo ali zahvalo bogovom. Vmes je nekaj spominskih plošč in še bolj nenavadnih spomenikov. Uporabljen je bil večinoma lokalno pridobljeni kamen, torej apnenec, ki je bil najlažje dosegljiv in najcenejši. Premožnejši so izbirali marmor s Pohorja ali bolj oddaljenih kamnolomov.

Photo 1-ground floor

Drugi del lapidarija je v steklenem paviljonu na vrtu Narodnega muzeja Slovenije. V njem so najprej predstavljeni visoki miljniki, torej kamni, ki so stali ob glavnih državnih cestah. Sledijo rekonstrukcije mozaikov iz Emonskih stavb, urejena vrsta votivnih oltarjev in nekaj kosov rimske arhitekture. Prehod v drugi del čuva velika, marmorna, nagrobna skulptura leva. Tam preidemo v svet mrtvih, kjer so predstavljene pokopališke parcele, zbirka žar in sarkofagov.

ZA OGLED LAPIDARJIA V PRITLIČJU MUZEJA JE POTREBNO PLAČATI VSTOPNINO, ogled lapidarija v steklenem atriju pa je brezplačen. Vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu je ogled celotnega muzeja brezplačen. Dostop v muzej je za gibalno ovirane urejen s Prešernove ceste 20 (službeni vhod, domofon).

Več o obdobju rimskega imperija pri nas je prikazano na stalni razstavi v prvem nadstropju muzeja.


NALOGE za vpis obiska

Po opravljenih nalogah odgovore lastniku zaklada pošljite preko e-pošte ali središča za sporočila. Potem lahko vpišete najdbo. Če bomo v zvezi z odgovori potrebovali kakšno pojasnilo, vas bomo kontaktirali. Srečno!


Točka 1 (južni hodnik):

Poiščite velik kos marmorne plošče s cesarskim napisom. Ta omenja dva rimska cesarja, ki sta Emoni podarila stavbo (verjetno obzidje).

  1. Katera cesarja sta omenjena?
  2. Kateri predmet je razstavljen neposredno desno od te plošče? Kakšno številko ima?

Točka 2 (zahodni hodnik):

Rimljani so bili zelo verni in vraževerni. Niso pokopavali samo ljudi. Poiščite spomenik nekemu naravnemu pojavu. V pomoč vam bo oblika spomenika, ki je drugačna od ostalih.

  1. Kaj so Rimljani pokopali pod tem spomenikom?
  2. Opišite obliko spomenika?


Točka 3 (miljniki):

Za vhodom v paviljon najprej presenetijo visoki kamni, miljniki.

  1. Koliko je merila rimska milja (v metrih)?

Točka 4 (lev):

Ko od vhoda pridete do spomenika v obliki leva iz pohorskega marmorja, preberite napis na kamniti prekladi nekaj metrov za levom (kamniti blok na jeklenem okvirju, približno dva metra nad tlemi).

  1. Kakšen pomen naj bi imel napis?
  2. Fotografirajte se z levom. Lahko tudi samo del telesa ali napis z geolovskim vzdevkom. Fotografijo objavite pri vpisu najdbe na spletu.


Virtualno priznanje 2.0 - 2019/2020

Ta zaklad je eden od virtualnih zakladov, ki so bili v omejenem številu ustvarjeni med 4. junijem 2019 in 4. junijem 2020. Le 4.000 geolovcev je dobilo možnost postaviti svoj virtualni zaklad. Preberite Geocaching Blog za več informacij o virtualnih priznanjih 2.0.



… is a phrase attributed to Gaius Julius Caesar, Roman governor, military leader, consul of the Roman republic and, eventually, dictator of the Roman empire. During his reign, Roman armies occupied and annexed the territory of present-day Slovenia. "I came, I saw, I conquered!" was true for the victorious Roman legions and their commander at the territory of present-day Slovenia as well.


THE ROMAN EMPIRE and the city of EMONA, the Roman precursor of Ljubljana

About two thousand years ago:

“We, citizens of Emona, are proud of the great new structure that was recently built. Today it was solemnly affixed with an imperial inscription in elegant letters carved on the marble plaque. Building of this important structure was made possible by donations of the late emperor and his adopted successor...

Our fortified military settlement under the hill, by the Nauportus River is about 50 years old. We built it shortly after these territories were annexed to Rome. But now Emona has become a true Roman city. The haven of the city walls invigorates the craft, trade flourishes at the Forum, the shrines are crowded, the fortune tellers solemnly predict the future for the citizens and the city. A lot has changed here lately ... "

For about five centuries, from the 1st century BC on, the territory of present-day Slovenia was a part of the large, well-organized and highly cultured Roman Empire; Roman spiritual legacy laid the foundations of Western civilization.


LAPIDARIUM * - a collection of stone monuments

* Lapis in Latin means stone

After the fall of the Roman state, many stone monuments with inscriptions were preserved in a wide area of the empire, including Slovenia. Because they are much more numerous than other ancient written sources, they represent the first-class historical documents of their time.

The recovered part of the stone plaque of the imperial inscription mentioned at the beginning can be seen in the modern lapidarium of the National Museum of Slovenia. More than 200 Roman stone monuments tell visitors the stories of Slovenian territory in the Roman period from the 1st century BC to the 4th century. They are exhibited in two parts of the museum.

The first part of the lapidarium is on the ground floor of the museum building where we can trace the monuments from the oldest, from the period of Julius Caesar, to the late Roman period, in the 3rd and 4th centuries. The tombstones are most numerous; there are many votive altars, which were erected by individuals as a vow or thanks to the gods and goddesses. There are some memorial plaques and some more unusual monuments. Locally quarried limestone was used most often; it was easily accessible and the cheapest. The wealthier families chose marble from Pohorje or the more distant quarries.

The second part of the lapidarium is in the glass pavilion in the garden of the National Museum of Slovenia. Closest to the entrance are large milestones, the stones that stood along the region’s main state roads. They are followed by reconstructions of mosaics form Emona buildings, a neat row of votive altars, and some pieces of Roman architecture. The passage to the next part is marked by a large, marble tombstone sculpture in the shape of the lion. There we enter the world of the dead, where cemetery plots, a collection of urns and sarcophagi are presented.

THERE IS AN ENTRY FEE TO PAY FOR VISITING THE LAPIDARIUM ON THE GROUND FLOOR OF MUSEUM, entry into the glass pavilion is free of charge. The visit of the first part of lapidarium and entire museum is free of charge every first Sunday of the month. The museum is wheelchair accessible from Prešernova Road 20 (personnel entrance, use the intercom).

Photo 2-glass pavilion

More about the Roman Empire on the territory of present-day Slovenia is shown on the permanent exhibition on the first floor of the museum.



After completing the tasks, send the answers to the cache owner by email or through message center. Then you can log the find. If we need any clarification regarding the answers, we will contact you. Good luck!


Point 1 (Southern corridor):

Find a large piece of marble plaque with the imperial inscription. Two Roman emperors are mentioned who donated the building (probably the city walls) to Emona.

1. Which emperors are mentioned?

2. Which item is exhibited directly to the right of this panel? What is its number?

Point 2 (Western corridor):

The Romans were very religious and superstitious. They used to bury more than just people. Find a monument to a natural phenomenon that was “buried”. A little help: the shape of this monument is different from the others.

3. What did the Romans bury under this monument?

4. Describe the shape of the monument!


Point 3 (milestones):

As soon as you enter the pavilion, you are surprised by the high stone columns, the milestones.

5. How long was the Roman mile (in metres)?

Point 4 (lion):

When you reach the monument in the shape of a lion, made of Pohorje marble, read the inscription on the large stone lintel a few meters behind the lion (stone block supported with a steel frame, about two metres above the floor).

6. What is the meaning of the inscription supposed to be?

7. Take a photo of yourself with the lion. It can also be just a body part or a sheet of paper with your geocaching nickname. Add the photo to your log.



Website of the National Museum of Slovenia,

Book: Lapidarij Narodnega muzeja Slovenije; rimski spomeniki; vodnik, Marjeta Šašel Kos, Ljubljana, Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2004

Photo 1-ground floor: kompaski

Photo 2-glass pavilion: National Museum of Slovenia


Virtual Rewards 2.0 - 2019/2020

This Virtual Cache is part of a limited release of Virtuals created between June 4, 2019 and June 4, 2020. Only 4,000 cache owners were given the opportunity to hide a Virtual Cache. Learn more about Virtual Rewards 2.0 on the Geocaching Blog.


Additional Hints (No hints available.)