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Watercolor Bridge Tradiční keška

Tato keška je dočasně nedostupná.

BlueRoseTaskForce: It seems our cache has gone missing. I'll work on getting a new container and replacing it asap. We have a busy week ahead, but will aim to get this back up in the next couple weeks.

Založeno : 09/14/2018
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Velikost: Size:   malá (malá)

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Popis kešky

Geocaching has allowed us to discover so many beautiful trails, but for our first hide, we decided to place a geocache on an old favorite. When we first came across the bridge that runs over Badger Mill Creek, I took a photograph of the water running underneath. The greens and browns of the water and plants blending together reminded me of a watercolor painting. 

We've placed a cache large enough for trackables and SWAG. It's fully loaded right now, so please help us maintain it by trading evenly or trading up. FTF and STF will each get a small, signed, matted print of the photograph that inspired this hide. 

Please use stealth, as trail is used by muggles, and this bridge has been known to be vandalized by local kids.

Happy caching! 

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