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Valburga - multi Multi-cache

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Superlegende: Might be back after we return home.

Hidden : 7/8/2018
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Smlednik z okolico je resnim geolovcem znan po GG zakladih, pri katerih si navadni smrtniki skoraj zanesljivo polomimo zobe.

Vendar pa Smlednik tudi za ostale skriva veliko zanimivosti. Člani študijskega krožka Spoznajmo dediščino Smlednika so pripravili zanimiv sprehod po Smledniku in Valburgi, ki je služil kot osnova za postavitev petih zakladov: dveh večstopenjskih in treh enostopenjskih. Opisi znamenitosti so povzeti z dovoljenjem članov krožka (hvala, babi!).

Svetujemo, da zaklade obiščete popoldne in se proti večeru povzpnete še na Stari grad, od koder boste lahko opazovali čudovit sončni zahod nad Sorškim poljem. V vseh zakladih so podatki za bonus, ki bi vam lahko še koristili, ko se bo zvečerilo.

Potep za zaklad VALBURGA MULTI boste pričeli pri spomeniku kmečkim uporom. Podložni kmetje so se na smledniškem gospostvu upirali nepravičnim dajatvam in tlaki, bili so celo med bolj upornimi. Sodelovali so v vseslovenskem kmečkem uporu leta 1515, nato pa še štirinajstkrat, vse do odprave tlačanstva v letu 1848. Večkrat so se cesarju tudi pritožili. Valvasor pravi, da so bili smledniški kmetje nekaj posebnega, saj so plesali ples s sabljami, čeprav lesenimi. Nošenje sabelj je bil tedaj privilegij plemstva.

Avtorji skulptur, ki so bile postavljene leta 2015 v spomin na puntarsko preteklost, so domačini  Miro in Helena Rismondo, Bogdan Jerič in Bojan Kranjc.

Blizu spomenika je tudi informativna tabla. Oglejte si jo in poiščite naslednje številke:

Zbiljsko jezero = A

Bonovec – rekreacijske površine = B

Rojstna hiša Jakoba Aljaža = C


Smlednik with its surroundings hides a number of interesting sights. Members of the study course “Understanding the Heritage of Smlednik” prepared an interesting walk through Smlednik and Valburga, and we took this walk as a basis for five caches: two multis and three traditional ones. Descriptions of interesting sights are copied with permission of the study course members (thank you, granny!). Descriptions in English will be amended shortly, so that we can also provide the visitors from abroad with some more information.

Our recommendation would be to visit the short trail in the afternoon and then climb Stari grad in the evening to see a magnificent sunset over Sorško polje (Sora Plain). You will find some bonus information in every cache, and you could maybe put this information to use after it gets dark.

You will start your journey for VALBURGA MULTI cache at Peasant Rebellion Monument. In the seigneury of Smlednik, the serfs resisted paying unjust taxes and serfdom; they were even among the more rebellious serfs in the land. They participated in the Slovene Peasant Revolt of 1515, and then rebelled on fourteen more occasions, up until the abolition of slavery in 1848. The serfs also made several complaints to the emperor. According to the natural historian Valvasor, the farmers of Smlednik were somewhat of a curiosity, since they danced a dance with sabres, albeit wooden. Back in the day, carrying sabres was perceived as a privilege only accorded to the nobility.

The authors of the sculptures, erected in 2015 to commemorate this rebellious past, are locals Miro and Helena Rismondo, Bogdan Jerič, and Bojan Kranjc.

You will see an information board close to the monument. Take a look at it and find the following numbers:

The Zbilje Lake = A

The Bonovec recreational grounds = B

The Birthplace of Jakob Aljaž = C


Druga (virtualna) stopnja zaklada je Blejčkova kapelica v Valburgi. Je poznobaročna zidana kapelica zaprtega tipa s trikapno opečno streho, valovitim venčnim zidcem in okrasno geometrijsko poslikavo v notranjosti. V njej je kip sv. Jožefa, ki v roki drži lilijo. Vaščani so kupili novega, ker je bil po vojni stari kip uničen. Kapelico je sprva urejal Blejčkov ata, Jernej Potočnik, ki je bil grajski vrtnar. Kasneje so to delo prevzeli vaški mežnarji. Danes jo urejajo domačinke iz bližnje okolice. V preteklosti so se pred kapelico poslovili od pokojnega sokrajana in opravili morebitno spravo z njim. Zmolili so Oče naš.

Omejitev hitrosti glede na znak blizu Blejčkove kapelice = D


The second (virtual) cache stage is at Blejček Chapel in Valburga. The Blejček Chapel is a Late Baroque chapel of a closed type with a brick roof with three eaves, a wavy dwarf wall with mouldings, and decorative geometric paintings. In the inside of the chapel is a statue of St Joseph holding a lily flower in his hand. Since the previous statue was destroyed after the war, the villagers bought a new one. At first, the chapel was maintained by Jernej Potočnik, whom everyone called “Blejčkov ata” (“Grandpa Blejček”), and who was the castle gardener. Later, this job was taken over by the sextons of the village. Nowadays, local women living in the vicinity are upkeeping the chapel. Whenever a local died in the past, other locals said goodbye to him in front of the chapel, and reconciled with him, if they felt there was unfinished business left. They also said the Lord’s Prayer.

Speed limit according to the sign close to Blejček Chapel = D


Tretja (virtualna) stopnja zaklada je cerkev sv. Valburge in Vzgojno izobraževalni zavod Frana Milčinskega.

Današnja baročna cerkev sv. Valburge stoji na mestu njene predhodnice. Podružnična cerkev svete Valburge je edina v Sloveniji, ki je posvečena tej svetnici. Zgrajena je bila leta 1771. V njej sta dve sliki Leopolda Layerja in bogato izrezljana prižnica s podobami svetnic. Slika v glavnem oltarju je zanimiva zato, ker se lahko umakne in se pokaže kip svete Valburge.

Sveti Valburgi se priporočajo kmetje za dobro žitno letino, za srečo pri živini in varnost pred steklino. Danes v cerkvi darujejo poljske maše, v njej pa občasno potekajo tudi prireditve.

Vzgojno izobraževalni zavod Frana Milčinskega  je prvi povojni vzgojni zavod v Sloveniji.

Ime je dobil po pisatelju in pravniku s področja mladinske delikvence, Franu Milčinskemu, in se od leta 31.10.1946 ukvarja z otroki z posebnimi potrebami, natančneje z otroki in mladostniki z vedenjskimi in čustvenimi motnjami oziroma težavami. Do leta 1990 je zavod deloval v graščini Lazarinijevih, od 5.10. tega leta pa uporablja nove, sodobno opremljene prostore.

VIZ Smlednik je sinonim za več kot 70 let izkušenj pri vzgoji in izobraževanju otrok in mladostnikov, ki se jim je v šoli nekaj zalomilo ali pa so imeli težave v svojem domačem socialnem okolju. Z običajnimi pristopi pri vzgoji jim nihče ni bil kos, zato so pristali v zavodu, kjer so vključeni v interno osnovno šolo, ki izvaja učni program po veljavnem predmetniku. Poleg rednega pouka so vključeni tudi v različne interesne dejavnosti, deležni so individualne učne ali siceršnje obravnave, kolikor je to potrebno. Z neformalnim učenjem se vzpostavlja medsebojno zaupanje in spoštovanje, učijo se samostojnosti in odgovornosti ter oblikovanja ustreznih navad ter vedenjskih vzorcev.

Zavod je dobro vpet v lokalno okolje. Razvito je medgeneracijsko povezovanje in sodelovanje z lokalnimi skupnostmi. Delo s starši in gojenci teži k čim boljši in hitrejši vrnitvi v njihovo matično okolje in nadaljevanje šolanja v domačem okolju.  

Na mestu, kjer stojite, lahko vidite kozolec, na katerem je nekaj lesenih koles. Skupno število naper na vseh kolesih na kozolcu = E.


The third (virtual) cache stage is at St Walpurga Church and “Fran Milčinski” Educational Institution.

The current Baroque St Walpurga Church is located at the same spot where the initial church was built. The filial church of St Walpurga is the only church in Slovenia dedicated to this saint. It was built in 1771. In the church, one can find two paintings made by Leopold Layer, and an abundantly carved pulpit bearing images of saints. The painting in the main altar is particularly interesting: when pushed aside, a statue of St Walpurga is revealed.

Farmers recourse to St Walpurga for a good cereal harvest, for good luck to be bestowed upon their cattle, and for protection against rabies. Nowadays, masses for the fields are held in the church, and it occasionally also hosts different events.

“Fran Milčinski” Educational Institution is the first post-war educational institution in Slovenia of such type. It was named after Fran Milčinski, writer and lawyer dealing with juvenile delinquency. Since October 31st, 1946, the institution has been engaged in dealing with special-needs children or, more accurately, children and adolescents with behavioural and emotional disorders and difficulties. Until 1990, the institution was housed in the Lazarini mansion. Since October 5th, 1990, it has been using new, modern facilities.

The Smlednik Educational Institution is a synonym for more than 70 years of experience in raising and educating children and adolescents who have known difficulties in school or who have had problems in the social environment of their homes. Since ordinary approaches to educating these children and adolescents did not seem to work, they were sent to the institution where they are enrolled into an internal elementary school, following the study program in accordance with the applicable curriculum. In addition to following regular classes, they also participate in different extracurricular activities and are given individual study aid or another form of additional treatment, if necessary. By way of informal learning, mutual trust and respect are established, as the students learn to become independent and responsible, and to create appropriate habits and behavioural patterns.

The institution coexists well with the local environment. Intergenerational connection and cooperation with the local communities are well-developed. The work performed with the parents and residents is oriented towards the residents returning to their domestic environment as soon as possible and as best possible, in order to be able to continue schooling in their home environment.

From where you stand, you can see a single straight-line hayrack with some wooden wheels. Total number of all spokes on all wheels that you can see on the hayrack = E.



S 46o 10.(A*D-B)

V 014o 25.(A*B*E-C*100-B)

Če je bil vaš izračun pravilen, tokratni potep zaključujete blizu Krvavega znamenja.

Poznobaročna kapelica odprtega tipa je postavljena na mestu nekdanjega deželnoknežjega morišča. V niši je marmorni kamin kot okvir slike Marije.

V Dragočajni še vedno kroži zgodba: Ob polni luni tu ni dobro hoditi, ker mrliči balinajo z glavami.

Od Krvavega znamenja je najlepši razgled na Kalvarijo, saj je ta v ravni črti z njo glede na Stari grad.



N 46o 10.(A*D-B)

E 014o 25.(A*B*E-C*100-B)

If your calculation is correct, your journey will be finished close to the Blood Monument. This Late Baroque chapel stands on the spot where the princely scaffold used to be. In its alcove, a marble mantelpiece frames a picture of the Virgin Mary.

In Dragočajna, one can still hear that it is not safe to walk around the chapel at full moon, since it's the time when corpses bowl with their heads.

This spot offers the best view to the Calvary, as it forms a straight line with it in the direction of the castle on the hill.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)