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Veli Školj - Alien Landing Site Multi-Cache

Hidden : 6/21/2018
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4 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

Postoje svjedoci, postoje i dokazi... Ali da li je to dovoljno?

There are witnesses, there's evidence too... But is that enough?

Ljetujući u Pakoštanima preko deset godina naslušali smo se svakakvih priča, ali jedna od najintrigantnijih je ona o mjestu na koje su, navodno, nekoliko puta sletjeli svemirci. Prvi put smo za te događaje čuli od prijateljice iz kampa koja nam je rekla da bi o tome mogla znati nešto više konobarica iz konobe "Toro", Marija. Hodočastili smo u konobu dan za danom kako bismo stekli Marijino povjerenje. Prije par dana otvorila nam je dušu. Evo transkripta našeg razgovora prevedenog s Pakoškog.

TP: Znači istina je?

M: Kako ne bi bila istina, vrag te odnio, ali neću pričat o tome, u mjestu svi misle da sam luda.

TP: Ali Marija, mi nismo iz mjesta i ne pitamo te zato da bismo to iskoristili protiv tebe.

M: Neću, pustite me!

TP: Daj onda još tri bevande!

M: Slušajte, ali ako nekom zucnete tebi ću jaja odrezat, a tebi, rrrrrrrr, ne znam. Slušajte! Prvo su bila svjetla...

TP: ?

M: Ne prekidaj, dva put po tri svjetla, iznad Školja, i drugi su to vidjeli i neko vrijeme se o tome pričalo, potiho, pa su svi prestali. Nestale su neke koze s otoka nakon toga.

TP: Dooobro

M: I onda, pazi mene lude, bio mi je rođendan, 34 sam slavila i pošla sam s momkom na Školj. On nije htio, da što sam ja luda, a što ako nešto tamo ima. Ma govorim ja njemu, ne budali, idemo, rođendan mi je, ajde. I pođemo mi. Ali da neće on navečer. Pa nećemo navečer nego predvečer, ma što nas ima tko gledat što radimo. A znali smo da će svi znat.

TP: I što je onda bilo?

M: Došli smo na vrh, tamo kod križa i onda je sve stalo. Gledali smo se ja i Vlado, a nismo se mogli pomaknut, kao da smo zamrznuti. I onda su došla ta svjetla i tanjur je sletio pored nas.

TP: Tanjur?

M: Ono, leteći! Slušajte, izašli su van, dvoje, isti kao mi, skoro isti i počeli pričat s nama. Ali ne ono pričat, mi smo, ne znam kako da vam to kažem, mi smo otvarali usta i nisu se čuli glasovi, i mi nismo čuli njihove glasove, ali i oni su otvarali usta i mi nismo znali koji jezik pričamo mi, ni koji oni, ali smo se svi dobro razumjeli. Jedan od njih je isto imao rođendan, tridesetčetvrti, kao i ja. I pitali su me pošto bevanda u Tora, ozbiljno, da provjeravaju cijene za intergalaktičku mobilnu aplikaciju. To rade u slobodno vrijeme, inače imaju mehaničarsku radnju i prilagođavaju male letjelice. Ovu s kojom su došli su napravili sami, to im je kao neki Smart, mini letjelica za sletit na mala mjesta. Rekli su, zanimljivo im je kako računamo na isti način, pokazivali su nam prste, pet na ruci kao i u nas. Da imaju dekadski sistem i da im je najdraže skupljat podatke na Zemlji.

TP: Marija!

M: Jesam vam lijepo rekla da ćete mislit da sam luda. Pokazali su nam svoje brojeve, malo su uglati. Govorili su nam, ovo je nula, ovo je jedan i tako sve do devet, a deset je jedan-nula, sve kao kod nas. Onda sam ja prstom u zraku pokazala 34 i oni su rekli da, točno tako. A onda smo se svi četvoro uhvatili za ruke i napravili kvadrat i ponavljali 34, 34, 34... Baš je bilo magično. Onda su rekli da moraju ić i da nikome ništa ne govorimo i da će opet doć pa da možemo s njima. Pitali smo kako ćemo znat kada će doć, a oni su rekli da ćemo znat i da ćemo doć.

TP: I jeste došli?

M: Mjesec dana kasnije, isto je bilo lijepo vrijeme i bio je mlad mjesec. Morali smo poć. Vlado je rekao idemo i pošli smo. Opet je bilo sve isto, opet smo se sreli kod križa. Meni su dali jednu ceduljicu na kojoj su bili njihovi brojevi, stalno je imam sa sobom. Rekli su da tu piše gdje su spremili svoje stvari. A da su jednu zagonetku ostavili malo dalje nizbrdo, dvije oznake, one žutoplave točke, prema istoku i onda ispod stabla na koje pokazuje strelica, nedaleko križa. Pomoću nje se mogu dešifrirati brojevi sa ceduljice.

TP: I što je onda bilo?

M: Vlado je pošao s njima, ja nisam htjela. Samo mi je došlo plakati, a nisam mogla.

TP: Uf, a jesi našla te njihove stvari?

M: Ne znam što znače ti brojevi, mislim znam koji su brojevi, ali ne znam što predstavljaju.

TP: Možemo vidit ceduljicu? Koji su brojevi?

M: Evo je, ali neću vam reć brojeve, to samo ja znam.

TP: Marijaaaaa

M: Ajde, ajde, bježite. I previše sam vam rekla. Slikajte ceduljicu i crta. Pođite na Školj, nađite zagonetku i igrajte se.

TP: Daj samo nam reci kad si rekla dvoje, jesu li bili par kao ti i Vlado?

M: Ma nemam pojma ni kojeg su spola bili, ali seks je bio svemirski!

Brojevi / Numbers

Having vacation in Pakoštane for more than a decade we heard a lot of stories, but one of the most intriguing is the one about the place where, allegedly, aliens had landed several times. Our friend from the camp, was the first who told us about that event and who pointed us to waitress from tavern "Toro", Marija, who may have know more about those things. We kept on visiting the tavern day by day to gain Marija's trust. Couple of days ago she opened her soul. Here's the transcript of our conversation translated from Pakoštane dialect.

TP: So it's true?

M: Sure, damn you, but I don't wanna talk about it, everybody in Pakoštane think I'm crazy.

TP: Marija, we're not from here, and we're not asking you to use that against you.

M: No, let me go!

TP: OK, three more bevandas then!

M: Listen, but if you tell anyone I'll cut off your balls, and you, rrrrrrrr, don't know. Listen! At the beginning there were lights...

TP: ?

M: Don't interrupt, three lights, two times, above Školj, others have seen them too, and there was talk, silent, and then everyone stopped. Some goats were missing from the island since that.

TP: Okaaaay

M: And than, you'll think I'm nuts, it was my birthday, 34th, I went with my boyfriend to Školj. He didn't want to go, like I'm mad, what if there's something out there. So I told him, don't be fool, come on, it's my birthday. And so we went. But he never wanted to go at night. We won't go at night, we can go at dusk, who cares about what we're doing, I told him. But we knew everyone will know.

TP: What happened next?

M: We arrived at the top, there at the cross and then everything stopped. Vlado and me were looking at each other, but we couldn't move, like we were frozen. And then came the lights, and the saucer landed next to us.

TP: Saucer?

M: Flying saucer! Listen, they came out, two of them, same as us, nearly the same and started to talk. uh, not like talking, we were, don't know how to tell you, we were opening our mouths but no voice was heard, and we couldn't hear their voices, they were opening theirs too and we couldn't tell what language we were speaking, nor what language they speak, but we understood each other very well. One of them also had birthday, thirtyfourth like me. And they asked for price of bevanda at Toro's, seriously, they were checking the prices for intergalactic mobile app. That's what they did at their free time, regularly they're mechanics and they're pimping the vehicles, spacecrafts. One they came with they made by themselves, it's kind of their Smart, mini craft to land at small places. They said it's interesting how we calculate in the same way, they were shoving us their fingers, five a hand like us too. So they have decimal system and they like best to collect data on Earth, it's easiest, they told us.

TP: Marija!

M: Didn't I tell you you're gonna think I'm crazy. They showed us their numerals, those are a bit angular. They told us, this is zero, this is one, all the way to nine, and ten is one-zero, all the same as here. Then I made 34 in the air with my finger and they said yes, exactly. And then four of us joined hands and made a square beginning to repeat 34, 34, 34... It was magical. Then they had said they had to leave and told us not to tell anyone about our meeting and also that they will come again and we can go with them. We had asked how shall we know when they're coming and they told us that we'll know and we'll come.

TP: Did you?

M: A month later, weather was nice and it was new moon. We had to go. Vlado said we'll go and we went. It was the same like first time, we met at the cross again. They gave me a note with their numbers, I carry it with myself all the time. They told me it's written where they hid their stuff. And they also left a small riddle downhill, two marks, those yellowblue dots, towards east and then under the tree where the arrow points to, not far from the cross. Solving it you can decode the numerals from the note

TP: What happened then?

M: Vlado left with them, I didn't want to. I felt like crying but I couldn't cry.

TP: Uf, and did you find their stuff?

M: I don't know what those numbers mean, I mean I know the numbers, but don't know what they represent.

TP: Can we see the note? What are those numbers?

M: Here it is, but I won't tell you the numbers, that's something only I know.

TP: Marijaaaaa

M: Come on, go away. I told you too much. You can make a shot of the note and take a hike. Go to Školj, find the riddle and play the game.

TP: Just let us know, when you told us it was two of them, were they a couple like you and Vlado?

M: I don't know what sex they were, but we had spacesex!

**Važna napomena/Important note**

Ovo je/This is GC7RE5Pect

RESPECT NATURE/POŠTUJTE PRIRODU! Ulazite u gotovo netaknuto prirodno područje, ne berite bilje, ne uznemirujte životinje, odnesite sa sobom sve što ste donijeli i ponesite sa sobom tuđe smeće ako ga nađete.

RESPECT ALIENS/POŠTUJTE STRANCE! Jednog dana možda i vi budete stranac.

RESPECT NATURE! You're entering nearly untouched environment, don't pick plants, don't disturb animals, take away with you everything you brought to the island and pick up other people's trash if you find some.

RESPECT ALIENS! Some day you may become an alien too.


Sretan lov!! / Happy caching!!

Additional Hints (No hints available.)