Capt. Bob: I recently received this email
“Who gave you permission to place your geocache hide? It may be a government (town, state, or federal), business, or person. I'll need a name and contact info (phone or email) of the property owner to publish a geocache. Saying it's "public property" will not get your geocache published. This can be the trickiest question to answer - if it seems like public property you can call the town hall to ask, or try to find an assessor's map online (which lists owners) by doing a Google search for GIS town name map, and then contacting them. For municipal property, often someone in the recreation department can give permission.
Massquerade Volunteer Cache Reviewer”
None of my caches comply with this directive and I won't change them, therefore I will be archiving all of them. It’s been fun while it lasted!