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Sprehod po Ribnici Multi-cache

Hidden : 9/24/2017
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Geocache Description:

Legenda o Ribniški dolini

"Sedanja Ribniška dolina je bila nekoč ogromno jezero. V njem je bilo veliko rib – velikih in majhnih. Med njimi je živela tudi zlata ribica. Bila je krasotica. V Veliki gori pa je takrat živel velikan. Podnevi je spal, ponoči pa je hodil lovit ribe na jezero. Zlata ribica mu je pri lovu pomagala, s tem da je svetila. Ker v Suhi krajini ni bilo vode, so hodili k jezeru ponjo. Nekoč, ko so prišli zajemat, so z njo zajeli tudi zlato ribico. Vrgli so jo med kamenje, kjer je okamnela. Velikan se je zbudil iz spanja in je šel kot ponavadi lovit. Zlata ribica mu ni prišla svetit. Iskal jo je, a je ni našel. Tedaj se je strašno razjezil, lomil je stene in jih metal v jezero. Vse je izruval, kar mu je prišlo pod roke: drevesa in grmovje. V jezeru so nastale velike rupe, kamor je odtekla voda. Jezero je tako izginilo, na dnu pa je ostalo mnogo rib. Iz vseh krajev so ljudje hodili ponje z vozovi, zato je ta kraj dobil ime – RIBNICA.

Tudi zlato ribico so našli. Sedaj prebiva v ribniškem grbu in sveti vsem prebivalcem ribniške doline."


Sprehod po Ribnici

Multi sestavlja 9 stopenj ter končna lokacija, popelje pa vas na sprehod po Ribnici. Priporočamo, da začnete reševanje na 1. stopnji, nato se z vozilom odpeljete do nekoliko oddaljene 2. stopnje. Od tam pot nadaljujete peš, po izračunu koordinat (katere lahko preverite tudi v geocheckerju) pa se z vozilom odpravite na okrog 10 - 15 minut vožnje oddaljene končne koordinate. Celoten multi vam bo vzel približno 2 uri.


V bližini mesta je vas Hrovača, kjer je rojstna hiša pomembnega slovenskega jezikoslovca, patra Staneta Škrabca. Škrabčeva hiša je danes muzej. V obnovljenem skednju pa je urejen prostor, namenjen umetnosti in poslovnim srečanjem.

Pred hišo čez cesto od Škrabčeve domačije stoji skulptura:

* psa (A = 3),
* petelina (A = 7),
* kosa (A = 0).

Ker je Hrovača nekoliko oddaljena od centra Ribnice, kjer se nadaljuje sprehod s točko 2, vam predlagamo, da se zapeljete do centra z avtom. Za tiste pridne gre pa tudi peš.


V času Ilirskih provinc je v Ribnici dve leti svojega življenja, od svojega desetega do dvanajstega leta , bival France Prešeren. Tu je namreč obiskoval šolo. Ribniška šola je bila v tistem času zelo uspešna, obiskovali so jo učenci od vsepovsod. Velike zasluge za tak uspeh šole je imel dekan Humel, ki se je sistematično zavzemal za šolstvo. Leta 1808 je vpeljal znamenite »Zlate bukve«, kamor se je zapisovalo najboljše učence. V zlato knjigo je bil obe šolski leti vpisan tudi France Prešeren.

B = razlika med letnicami na spominski tabli


V samem jedru stoji cerkev svetega Štefana, ki jo krasita zvonika, poimenovana ribniški kroni, in gre za eno zadnjih del arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika.

Župnjiska cerkev v Ribnicije posvečena sv. Štefanu papežu in stoji na tem mestu že od leta 1868.

Ribniška cerkev se lahko ponaša tudi z zvonovi, ki so eni izmed največjih v škofiji. Največji zvon se imenuje tudi misijonski zvon ali misijonar, saj je bil narejen v čast svetega misijona leta 1883, a ga je uničila prva svetovna vojna. Prav v letu 2000 pa je ribniška farna cerkev dobila nove bronaste zvonove, ki so jih izdelali v Passauu v Nemčiji. Zvonovi so tonovsko usklajeni in imajo pravo melodijo v molu (parsifal).

Med drugo vojno je bila cerkev večkrat bombardirana, ob koncu vojne je zaradi bombardiranja zgorela vsa streha, uničeni pa sta bili tudi obe zvonikovi kapi. Zaradi teh dogodkov so obnovili zvonike po zamisli arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika.

C = št. križev vklesanih v kamen okrog vhodnih vrat cerkve


Pod okriljem ribniškega festivala so se na pobudo ribniškega rojaka akademskega slikarja Jožeta Cente, leta 1979 pričela vsakoletna likovna srečanja. Neprekinjeno do leta 1991 so se vsako leto srečevali povabljeni likovni umetniki, likovni strokovnjaki in ribniški veljaki, kar je prineslo marsikatero pozitivno rešitev v razvoju Ribnice, predvsem pa vsakoletno razstavo v Ribnici nastalih likovnih del in nastanek ribniške likovne zbirke.

Miklova hiša je danes kulturni hram, kjer delujeta knjižnica in razstavni prostor galerije.

D = št. okenc nad vhodnimi vrati


Leta 1220 se prvič omenja gospostvo Ribnica, ribniški grad pa leta 1263. Zgrajen je bil po vsej verjetnosti že konec 11. ali v začetku 12. stoletja. Pozidali so ga njegovi prvi lastniki, ki so po do zdaj znanih podatkih Turjačani. Kakih sto let kasneje so Ortenburžani dozidali nova poslopja. V drugi polovici 15. stoletja so ga, zaradi turške nevarnosti, obzidali z mogočnim obzidjem in obrambnimi stolpi. Grad je skozi svojo stoletno zgodovino menjal lastnike od Turjačanov, Ortenburžanov, Celjskih grofov, Habsburžanov, grofov Kislih, baronov Trilek, grofov Cobencl. Njegovi zadnji lastniki pa so bili Rudeži od leta 1810 do 1937.

Rudeži so bili izobražena meščanska družina, prvič so prišli v Ribnico 1787 kot oskrbniki, od leta 1789 pa kot najemniki Cobenclovih posesti. Leta 1810 je Anton Rudež po sorazmerno ugodni ceni od Cobenclov odkupil ribniški grad z vsemi pripadajočimi posestvi in lasti družine Rudež je grad ostal do 1937, ko ga je ing. Anton Rudež prodal takratni Jugoslovanski državi in se preselil v vilo na Ugarju, kjer živijo njegovi potomci še danes.

Med vojno je grad služil različnim namenom, ob začetku vojne je bila v njem pehotni polk staro jugoslovanske vojske, leta 1943 je bila v gradu partizanska bolnišnica, ob koncu vojne je bil grad poškodovan in požgan. Po vojni ni bilo interesa po celotni obnovi grajskega kompleksa, zato so osrednjo stavbo – palacij porušili, ohranili so le njen tloris. Obnovili so dva stolpa, ki so jih povezali z novim hodnikom. V teh prostorih je dobil svoje mesto ribniški muzej (1961) ter kavarna, ki jo je leta 1978 nadomestila poročna dvorana.V gradu so dogradili letno gledališče in že v šestdesetih letih, ko je potekala prenova grajskega kompleksa, predvideli tudi Park kulturnikov, ki je bil realiziran leta 1982. V osemdesetih letih, ko so v Ribnici potekala vsakoletna likovna srečanja pa je v gradu dobila prostor tudi forma viva.

Katero drevo raste na desnem vogalu pred vhodom v grajsko dvorišče? E = ?

* breza (E = 1),
* bukev (E = 4),
* lipa (E = 9).

6.točka: MUZEJ V GRADU

Muzej se lahko pohvali še s prav posebno razstavo, ki je namenjena čarovništvu na Slovenskem, poimenovano Boj krvavi zoper čarovniško zalego. Prav v Ribnici se je namreč zgodil zadnji zažig čarovnice na grmadi.

Razstava je razdeljena na tri sklope: čarovniški procesi na Slovenskem in ribniški čarovniški proces, mučenje ali tortura, zdravilna zelišča in uroki. Na razstavi najdete replike mučilnih naprav, kot sta čarovniški stol in naprava za lomljenje palcev ter repliko originalnega zapisnika čarovniškega procesa v Ribnici leta 1701. Zvočna podlaga obiskovalca seznani z zgodbo Marine Češarek, ki je bila pred 300 leti v Ribnici obtožena čarovništva.

Muzej je odprt od maja do oktobra vsak dan (razen ob ponedeljkih) od 10. - 13. ure ter od 16. - 19. ure. Izven tega termina je ogled možen po dogovoru.

Pri vhodu v muzej je majhen balkonček.

F = št. stebrov, ki sestavljajo balkonček


Park kulturnikov se nahaja pri Ribniškem gradu. S parkom se je Ribnica zahvalila vsem, ki so pomembno prispevali k njenemu razvoju in napredku. Ustvarjalec in pobudnik za Park kulturnikov je bilo Turistično društvo Ribnica. Besedila v parku sta pripravila prof. Janez Debeljak in dr. Anton Slodnjak, načrt za spomenike in njihovo postavitev pa je naredil arhitekt Vlasto Kopač. V Parku kulturnikov je na različnih kamnitih obeležjih vklesanih okoli 70 imen.

Med kulturniki poišči skladatelja.

G = št. črk v njegovem srednjem imenu


Suhorobarsko in lončarsko dejavnost skrbno ohranjajo v Rokodelskem centru Ribnica, prav tako pa skrbijo, da izdelki sledijo sodobnim trendom, in jih s tem približajo vsem populacijam in okusom.

Rokodelskem centru Ribnica spodbujajo tudi nadaljnji razvoj rokodelstva, zato organizirajo delavnice za otroke in odrasle, tečaje ter pletarsko in lončarsko šolo. Obe šoli potekata v okviru projekta Zapisana dediščina in rokodelska ustvarjalnost in zajemata tri letnike. Po treh letih udeleženci osvojijo osnovna znanja, ki jim omogočijo pristop k izpitu za nacionalno poklicno kvalifikacijo za lončarja ali pletarja

H = hišna številka centra


Čez Bistrico so leta 1809, v času Ilirskih provinc, postavili kamnit most, ki stoji še danes, in je v ljudskem poimenovanju ostal kot Francoski most.

Sprva je imel pet obokov, danes so ohranjeni še štirje, saj so enega pri reguliranju reke Bistrice zasuli.

Ob mostu so postavljeni "kamniti sedeži".

I = št. sedežev


Preko mostu se vrnete do avta, izračunate koordinate (katere lahko preverite tudi spodaj v geocheckerju) in se odpeljete na okrog 10 - 15 minut vožnje oddaljeno končno točko.

Koordinate končne lokacije:

N 45° 45.D(I - 3)(H - B)
E 014° 44.C(E - G + 3)(F - A + 4)

The Legend of Ribniška Dolina

"The current Ribniška Dolina was once a huge lake. There were many fish in it - big and small. Among them lived a golden fish. She was beautiful. In the Velika Gora there lived a giant. He slept during the day and at night he went fishing in the lake. The golden fish helped him fish by shining. Because there was no water in the Suha Krajina, people went to the lake to get it. One day, when they came to fetch water, they also caught the golden fish. They threw her among the rocks, where she turned to stone. The giant woke up from his sleep and went fishing as usual. The golden fish did not come to shine for him. He searched for her but did not find her. Then he was terribly angry, he broke the walls and threw them into the lake. He destroyed everything he could reach: trees and bushes. Big holes appeared in the lake, where the water flowed away. The lake disappeared, but many fish remained at the bottom. People came from all around to fetch the fish, by which this place got its name - RIBNICA."

They also found the golden fish. Now she lives in the crest of Ribnica and shines for all the inhabitants of the Ribniška Dolina."


A walk through Ribnica

The multi consists of 9 stages and the final location.We recommend starting at stage 1, then driving to stage 2. From there, continue the journey on foot, after calculating the coordinates (which can also be checked in geochecker) drive to the final coordinates, which are about 10 - 15 minutes away by car. The entire multi will take you about 2 hours.


Near the city is the village of Hrovača, where the birthplace of the important Slovenian linguist, Father Stane Škrabec is located. Škrabčeva domačija is now a museum. In the renovated barn there is a space dedicated to art and business meetings.

In front of the house across the street from Škrabčeva House stands a sculpture of a :

* dog (A = 3),
* rooster (A = 7),
* duck (A = 0).

Since Hrovača is slightly farther from the center of Ribnica, where the walk continues with stage 2, we recommend that you drive to the center by car.


During the Illyrian Provinces, the famous Slovenian poet France Prešeren spent two years of his life, from his tenth to twelfth year, living in Ribnica. He attended school there. The Ribnica school was very successful at the time, and students from all over attended. The school's success was largely due to the dean Humel, who systematically advocated for education. In 1808, he introduced the famous "Golden Letters," where the best students were recorded. France Prešeren was recorded in the Golden Book for both school years.

B = the difference between the years on the memorial plaque


In the heart of the city stands the church of St. Stephen, adorned with bell towers, known as the Ribnica crowns, and is one of the last works of the architect Jože Plečnik.

The parish church in Ribnica is dedicated to St. Stephen the Pope and has stood in this location since 1868.

The Ribnica church can also boast of having some of the largest bells in the diocese. The largest bell is also known as the missionary bell or missionary, as it was made in honor of the holy mission of 1883, but was destroyed during World War I. In the year 2000, the Ribnica parish church received new bronze bells, made in Passau, Germany. The bells are harmonized in tone and have the correct melody in G minor (parsifal).

During World War II, the church was bombed several times and at the end of the war, the entire roof was burned and both bell tower caps were destroyed. Due to these events, the bell towers were rebuilt according to the design of architect Jože Plečnik.

C = number of crosses carved in stone around the entrance of the church


Under the umbrella of the Ribnica festival, the annual art meetings began at the initiative of the Ribnica-born academic painter Jože Cence in 1979. Continuously until 1991, invited artists, art experts and Ribnica dignitaries met every year, bringing many positive solutions in the development of Ribnica, especially the annual exhibition of artworks created in Ribnica.

Miklova House is today a cultural temple with a library and gallery exhibition.

D = number of windows above the entrance doors


The Ribnica Estate is first mentioned in 1220, while the Ribnica Castle is first mentioned in 1263. It was likely built at the end of the 11th century or at the beginning of the 12th century by its first owners from Turjak. About a hundred years later, the Ortenburgians added new buildings to it. In the second half of the 15th century, due to the threat of the Turks, the castle was fortified with a massive wall and defensive towers. The castle has changed many owners throughout its history. Its last owners were the Rudež family from 1810 to 1937.

The Rudež family were an educated middle-class family. They first came to Ribnica in 1787 as caretakers, and from 1789 as tenants of the Cobencl estate. In 1810, Anton Rudež purchased the Ribnica Castle with all the associated estates and assets from the Cobencl family at a relatively favorable price. The castle remained in the Rudež family until 1937, when Ing. Anton Rudež sold it to the then Yugoslav state and moved to a villa in Ugar, where his descendants still live today.

During the war, the castle served various purposes, at the beginning of the war there was a infantry regiment of the old Yugoslav army, in 1943 the castle was a partisan hospital, at the end of the war the castle was damaged and burned. After the war, there was no interest in the complete renovation of the castle complex, so the central building - the palace was demolished, only its outline was preserved. They restored two towers, which were connected with a new hallway. In these spaces, the Ribnica museum (1961) and a café, which was replaced by a wedding hall in 1978, were established. In the castle they also built a seasonal theater and in the sixties, when the renovation of the castle complex was taking place, they also planned the Park of culture, which was realized in 1982. In the eighties, when the annual art meetings were held in Ribnica, the castle also provided space for forma viva.

Which tree grows on the right corner before the entrance to the castle courtyard? E = ?

* birch (E = 1),
* beech (E = 4),
* linden (E = 9).


The museum also boasts a very special exhibition dedicated to witchcraft in Slovenia, called "Boj krvavi zoper čarovniško zalego" (Battle against the Bloodthirsty Witchcraft). It is in Ribnica where the last burning of a witch on the stake took place.

The exhibition is divided into three sections: witchcraft processes in Slovenia and in Ribnica, torture or torment, healing herbs and spells. The exhibition features replicas of torture devices such as the witch's chair and the finger-breaking machine, as well as a replica of the original record of the witchcraft trial in Ribnica in 1701. The sound background informs the visitor about the story of Marina Češarek, who was accused of witchcraft 300 years ago in Ribnica.

The museum is open from May to October every day (except Mondays) from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Outside of these hours, you can make an appointment via call.

There is a small balcony at the entrance to the museum.

F = number of columns that make up the balcony


The Park of Cultural Figures is located near the Castle of Ribnica. The park is a tribute to all those who have significantly contributed to the development and progress of Ribnica. The creator and initiator of the Park of Cultural Figures was the Ribnica Tourist Society. The texts in the park were prepared by Professor Janez Debeljak and Dr. Anton Slodnjak, and the plan for the monuments and their placement was made by architect Vlasto Kopač. The Park of Cultural Figures has about 70 names inscribed on various stone markers.

Find the composer among the cultural figures.

G = number of letters in his middle name


The craftsmanship of wooden crafts and pottery is carefully preserved in the Rokodelski Center Ribnica, and they also ensure that the products follow modern trends, making them accessible to all populations and tastes.

In the Rokodelski Center Ribnica, they also encourage the continued development of crafts by organizing workshops for children and adults, courses and pottery and weaving school. Both schools are part of the project "Preserved Heritage and Craft Creativity" and include three years of study. After three years, participants will acquire basic knowledge that will allow them to take the exam for the national professional qualification for potter or weaver.

H = house number of the center


In 1809, during the Illyrian provinces, a stone bridge was built over the Bistrica River, which still stands today, and is locally known as the French bridge.

It originally had five arches, but now only four remain as one was buried during the regulation of the Bistrica River.

There are "stone benches" placed near the bridge.

I = number of benches


Cross the bridge, return to your car, calculate the coordinates (which can also be verified below in the geochecker) and drive to the final point, located about 10 - 15 minutes away.

Coordinates of the final location:

N 45° 45.D(I - 3)(H - B)
E 014° 44.C(E - G + 3)(F - A + 4)


  5. Background image:

Additional Hints (No hints available.)