Månstorps gavlar (SWE)
Vad passar bättre än ett spöke i en gammal borgruin från 1540-talet?
För att logga cachen ska ruinen besökas.
Bifoga ett foto på er själv (ansiktet behöver inte vara med) när ni står i eller bredvid ruinen i loggen.
Lämna gärna en favoritpoäng om ni tycker om ruinen.
Månstorps gable's (ENG)
What fits better than a ghost in an old castle ruin from the 1540s?
To log the cache, the ruin should be visited.
Attach a photo of yourself (the face doesn't have to be included) when you are standing in or next to the ruin in the log.
If you like the ruin, please leave a favorite point.
Virtual Reward - 2017/2018
This Virtual Cache is part of a limited release of Virtuals created between August 24, 2017 and August 24, 2018. Only 4,000 cache owners were given the opportunity to hide a Virtual Cache. Learn more about Virtual Rewards on the Geocaching Blog.