Ilirska Bistrica, nekoč in danes
Mestna hiša v Ilirski Bistrici, nekoč
Mesto Ilirska Bistrica (407 m) leži na jugozahodu Slovenije, na robu doline reke Reke. Skozi mesto pelje magistralna cesta Postojna – Reka, od katere se odcepijo ceste proti Knežaku, Podgradu in Podgori. Reško dolino na severu in severovzhodu obdaja Snežniška planota z daleč najvišjim Snežnikom (1796 m), na jugozahodu pa gričevnat svet Brkinov. Občina se razprostira na 480 km2 in šteje okrog 14500 prebivalcev. Je redko naseljena in demografsko ogrožena. V občini je 62 vasi, središče je Ilirska Bistrica. To območje je bilo naseljeno že v prazgodovini, o čemer pričajo sledovi gradišč in ilirskih Japodov. Naselje se je razvijalo ob rečici Bistrici. Na davnino spominjajo razvaline gradov: Bistriški grad, grad Jablanica, Kalc, Turn, Šilentabor… Nekoč je Reka imela velik gospodarski pomen, saj so ob njej in njenih pritokih obratovali številni mlini in žage. Poleg mlinarstva in žagarstva je bila razvita tudi trgovina z lesom, s kmetijskimi pridelki, ogljem, ledom in senom. Ljudem je omogočala razmeroma dobre dohodke. Nastal je sloj mladega meščanstva, ki je začutilo potrebo po kulturi in poudarjanju nacionalne pripadnosti. Že leta 1864 so ustanovili bistriško čitalnico, pozneje pa še gasilsko in planinsko društvo. Ob koncu 19. stoletja je sledil hiter gospodarski in družbeni razvoj kraja. Leta 1899 je začela z delom tovarna testenin Pekatete, ki je pozneje zgorela. Pod Italijo (1927) so združili Trnovo in Bistrico v enoten kraj Villa del Nevoso. Novo naselje je dobilo mestne pravice leta 1933. V zadnjih letih je občina gospodarsko močno opešala. Propadlo je nekaj večjih podjetij, kar je povzročilo veliko brezposelnost. Občina trenutno oživlja dejavnosti v kulturi, turizmu in športu. Šport ima v Ilirski Bistrici dolgoletno tradicijo. Bistriški Sokol je bil ustanovljen leta 1909. V šestdesetih letih je bil zelo uspešen Košarkaški klub Lesonit, večkratni republiški prvak. V sedemdesetih letih so se Bistričani navduševali nad kartingom. Danes deluje precej športnih klubov. Planinstvo, pohodništvo, lov, ribolov, gobarstvo in rekreacija v vseh letnih časih privabljajo vse več ljubiteljev narave. Pozimi nas loči od Sviščakov (1242 m) ter Mašuna (1020 m) le dobre pol ure vožnje z avtomobilom. Tudi kulturno življenje v občini postaja pestrejše in zanimivejše. Ponovno so oživeli stari pustni običaji in navade, bogatejše so prireditve ob naboru. Semanji dnevi ohranjajo tradicijo še iz prejšnjega stoletja, vendar imajo danes novo vsebino, glede na čas, v katerem živimo. Velik odmev imajo tudi Premska srečanja, srečanja slovenskih pesnikov in pisateljev. Prizadevni člani kulturnih društev in Turističnega društva pa nam popestrijo in obeležijo še marsikateri dan v letu (miklavževanje, dnevi bistriške obrti, novoletno rajanje, silvestrovanje na prostem…).
Mestna hiša v Ilirski Bistrici, danes
Sprehodite se po ulicah Ilirske Bistrice in najdite vseh dvanajst lokacij, ki so na starih razglednicah oz. fotografijah. Z odgovori na vprašanja pridobite podatke za izračun končne lokacije.
Da naloga ne bi bila prelahka, je vrstni red lokacij v opisu zaklada naključen. Nekateri objekti s starih fotografij so skorajda identični, nekateri so prenovljeni, na nekaterih lokacijah pa so popolnoma nove zgradbe.
Vsi objekti in podatki so dosegljivi z javnih površin in so domačinom dobro poznani.
Lokacija 1:
A = ?
A = vklesana letnica nad vhodom v stavbo
Lokacija 2:
B = ?
B = število zastav, ki jih lahko obesijo na vogalu stavbe
Lokacija 3:
C = ?
C = številka čuvajnice v kateri je bil rojen slovenski slikar, čigar spominska plošča stoji na pročelju stavbe
Lokacija 4:
D = ?
D = število kovinskih rož na vhodu stanovanjskega dela stavbe
Lokacija 5:
E = ?
E = seštevek vseh treh (črnih) števil na kovinski ploščici za plin na desni strani pročelja
Lokacija 6:
F = ?
F = število vseh luči na zunanjosti današnje stavbe (kulturna ustanova)
Lokacija 7:
G = ?
G = število krogel na kamniti ograji terase
Lokacija 8:
H = ?
H = leto postavitve spominske plakete na pročelju stavbe
Lokacija 9:
I = ?
I = število črk imena današnjega lokala
Lokacija 10:
J = ?
J = število živali na vratih
Lokacija 11:
K = ?
K = današnja hišna številka stavbe (Sale e Tabacchi)
Lokacija 12:
L = ?
L = število cvetličnih korit pred stavbo
Končna lokacija: N 45° 33.UVW E 014° 14.XYZ
UVW.XYZ = (B+E-C-D-F)*(A+H)+(I+J)*K-(G-B)*L
Zaklad in njegova prvotna vsebina
Zaklad je PETling vsebnik in je ob postavitvi vseboval:
• vpisni dnevnik,
• neaktiviran sledljivček
FTF Geo Award.
V zakladu ni pisala, zato ga prinesite s seboj.
Vse internetne Found it vpise brez fizičnega vpisa v dnevnik bomo striktno brisali.
Ilirska Bistrica, once and now
Town hall in Ilirska Bistrica, once
Ilirska Bistrica (407 m) is small town in the south-west part of Slovenia. Lies at the edge of the valley of river Reka. Through the town runs the main road Postojna - Rijeka, there split the road branches towards Knežak, Podgrad and Podgora. The valley of river Reka is surrounded in the north and northeast by Snežnik plateau with the highest mountain Snežnik (1796 m) and on the southwest by Brkini hills. The municipality covers an area of 480 km2 and has about 14500 inhabitants. It's sparsely populated and demographically endangered. It has 62 villages and the center is town of the Ilirska Bistrica. The area has been inhabited since prehistoric times, as evidenced by traces of hillforts and Illyrian Japodes. The settlement was developed along the river Bistrica. To the ancient times resemble the ruins of castles: Bistrica, Jablanica, Kalc, Turn, Šilentabor ... Once the river Reka had great economic importance because there were several mills and sawmills. Beside milling and sawmilling there were developed also trade of timber, agricultural products, charcoal, ice and hay. The river allowed relatively good income to the people. The result was a layer of young bourgeoisie, who felt the need to culture and emphasizing national identity. Already in 1864 they founded Ilirska Bistrica Reading Club, and later also a fire department and mountaineering club. At the end of the 19th century followed the rapid economic and social development of the region. In 1899 started work first slovenian Pekatete pasta factory, which later burned down. Under the italian fascism regime (1927) they have combined two willages Ilirska Bistrica and Trnovo in a single town with italian name Villa del Nevoso. The new settlement was given town rights in 1933. In recent years, the municipality economically strongly going down. It collapsed a few major companies what resulting high unemployment. The municipality currently reviving activities in culture, tourism and sport. Sport has big tradition in Ilirska Bistrica. Bistrica's Sokol was established in 1909. In the sixties it was a very successful Lesonit Basketball Club, repeated republic champion. Today operate a lot of sports clubs. Mountaineering, hiking, hunting, fishing, mushrooming and recreation in all seasons attract more and more nature lovers. Also cultural life in the municipality is becoming more varied and interesting. They revive old carnival traditions and habits, the wider is also the celebration of the ald tradition of military recruiting. Trade fair days still preserve the tradition of the last century, but today have new content, depending on the time in which we live. Zealous members of cultural associations and Tourist association enliven us many other days in the year (St. Nicholas, Bistrica's days of crafts, Christmas celebrations, New Year's Eve in the open ...).
Town hall in Ilirska Bistrica, today
Take a hike over the Ilirska Bistrica streets and find all twelve locations wich you can see at the old postcards or photos. Aswer the questions and get all data needed for calculate the final coordinates.
That the task isn't too easy, the order of the locations in the listing is random. Some buildings from old photos are almost identical, some are renewed, at some locations are completely new buildings.
All objects and data can be reached from public areas and are very well known the to the locals.
Stage 1:
A = ?
A = the engraved year above the entrance to the building
Stage 2:
B = ?
B = the number of flags that could be displayed at the corner of the building
Stage 3:
C = ?
C = number of the guardhouse on the memorial plaque at the facade dedicated to Slovenian painter
Stage 4:
D = ?
D = the number of metal flowers at the entrance of the housing part of the building
Stage 5:
E = ?
E = the sum of all three (black) numbers from small metal plate of the gas on the right corner of the building
Stage 6:
F = ?
F = number of all lights at the facade of the nowadays building (cultural institution)
Stage 7:
G = ?
G = number of all the spheres at the stone fence of the terrace
Stage 8:
H = ?
H = the year of placed of the memorial plaque at the facade (tricky)
Stage 9:
I = ?
I = the number of letters in the name of the nowadays bar
Stage 10:
J = ?
J = the number of the animals at the door of the entrance
Stage 11:
K = ?
K = nowadays house number (Sale e Tabacchi)
Stage 12:
L = ?
L = the number of the flower troughs in front of the building
Final location: N 45° 33.UVW E 014° 14.XYZ
UVW.XYZ = (B+E-C-D-F)*(A+H)+(I+J)*K-(G-B)*L
Geocache and its initial content
The geocache is Petling container and it's initial content was:
• logbook,
• unactivated
FTF Geo Award.
Bring your own pen.
All Found it logs without log in cache logbook will be strictly deleted.