Adventsnøtten (Ekstremjul #10/2016) Mystery Cache
T.Darup: Denne cachen hadde blitt borte så nå er plassen ledig til nye utlegg. Tusen takk for alle besøk.
Adventsnøtten (Ekstremjul #10/2016)
Size: (micro)
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Once upon a time there was a little princess who lived in a huge castle. She lived there with the king and queen who ruled over the whole kingdom. One day she would like to walk in the forest, and the king said she had to watch out for wolves, and return home before evening. The princess went into the woods and looked at the flowers that bloomed in the spring. There were lots of nice colors and the princess sat down in the meadow with flowers. The grass and flowers were so soft to touch - and the violet were the softest. She lay down on the meadow and looked up at the sky ... and fell asleep. Suddenly she woke up when she heard distant yell that called on her. She sat up and looked around. It was completely dark, so she did not know how she could find the way back home, but she yelled as loud as she could. - She walked toward the sound. She stumbled and fell around on the ground like an acrobats. She walked and walked while she cried, and suddenly they heard her. At last they found her and could go home to the castle again. And they lived happily ever after.
The cache is not at the above co-ordinates.
The cache is only containing a logbook. Remember to bring your own pencil.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)