The geocache is not located at the published coordinates! You have to solve the puzzle to find the cachelocation. The cache is NOT located at the airport but it is in the vicinity of the airport.
De cache ligt niet op de gepubliceerde coördinaten. U zult de puzzel op moeten lossen om de cache te kunnen vinden.
You will receive a different part of the coordinate in different countries. Travel around the world to complete the coordinate.

U kan uw oplossing valideren met certitude.
A set of rules for this cache.
- The geocache was meant to be solved like the title says by travelling around the world (youself).
- Logging a find is only allowed after your name is written or stamped into the logbook.
- Under the following conditions you are allowed to help other geocachers and yourself to get the coordinate.
- Please provide other geocachers who ask you for help ONLY with the numbers of your homecountry.
- You can post note like: I have the Australian numbers. Do you want to exchange?
- Once you have the whole coordinate please delete your note and let others participate in the game. Otherwise the D-rating is far to high.
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