11 Tennent trail - 1000m Traditional Cache
Size: (small)
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At 1380m Mount Tennent is the first mountain you see when heading to Namadgi! It’s a great mountain, and I think that all Canberran’s should climb it at least once! It offers a great experience, and fantastic views! So, if you haven’t been up, and need a little more incentive - here you go! Being a 7km hike/ride (14km return) – and about 700m worth of climb - it is not trivial! Caches are all close to the fire trail. Make sure you bring plenty of water, and some warm cloths during the colder months. Please ensure that both outer and inner container are closed properly - to stop water getting in. Please note, there is no pen in the cache - please BYO pen!
Additional Hints
Gbc bs ebpx bhgpebc va perivpr haqre n ebpx