Lunch time...Morse and I were talking about caching, he had a bright idea. He wanted to place one near here. It was our turn to order and Morse realized that he forgot his wallet in the car so he ran outside to get it. A customer standing behind us in line tapped me on the shoulder and asked me “what kind of language my friend was speaking?". I told them, that Morse was unique and he spoke his own code.
Home of the $5 pizza and home to my first homemade cache. I put some thought and time into this one. I am venturing out from my normal caches. I am interested how this cache will be enjoyed. Even though this container is consider a micro, I was able to place items for the first 3 finds.BYOP please be careful and please put it back how you found it. Enjoy!!!
gur fubeg fgbel jvyy uryc lbh fbyir guvf uvag .-- . -. . . -.. -- --- .-. . .--. --- .-- . .-. ... -.-. --- - - -.-- --··-- .-- . .-.. .-.. -.. .- -- -. .. - .--- .. -- .--. .-.. ..- --. .. - .. -. -·-·-- -·-·-- -·-·--