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Aglonas bazilika Traditional Geocache

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Hidden : 10/10/2015
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Geocache Description:

LV: Slēpnis ir pārtikas kārbiņa. Tajā atrodas logbook, zīmulis, asināmais. Kārbiņā ir vieta dažadām mantiņām, kā arī ceļotājiem.

ENG: Cache is food box. There is a logbook, pencil, pencil sharpener, and few things  for exchage.



Aglona un Aglonas bazilika

Latvijas nozīmīgākais katoļu garīgais centrs un pasaules mēroga svētvieta, kur ik gadu Vissvētākās Jaunavas Marijas debesīs uzņemšanas dienā, 15. augustā, ierodas simtiem tūkstošu svētceļnieku no visas Austrumeiropas, ir gleznainā, ezeriem apvītā Aglona Latgalē. Aglonas bazilika ir viens no iespaidīgākajiem dievnamiem Baltijā, turklāt ļaužu nostāstos ar to saistās ne viens vien brīnums.

  • Aglona and Aglona Basilica
  • Aglonas bazilika

Baltu cilšu garīgais centrs

Zinātnieki uzskata, ka Aglonā baltu tautas dzīvojušas gandrīz divus tūkstošus gadu pirms Kristus dzimšanas. Aglonas nosaukums cēlies no vārda „egle” izrunas letgaļu (latgaļu) valodā – senatnē šo novadu klājuši biezi egļu meži, ezeri un upes. Aglona ir bijusi senās baltu cilts – letgaļu – svētvieta. Taču pirmo reizi rakstos šī vieta minēta Lietuvas karaļa Mindauga sakarā – 1236. gadā šai vietā viņš kopā ar dēliem Rukli un Rupeiki tika nogalināts un apglabāts.

Mūsdienās Mindauga dibināto valsti uzskata par Lietuvas pirmsākumu. Taču ir zinātnieki, kuri ir pārliecināti, ka Mindaugs domājis plaši – viņš vēlējies apvienot kristīgā valstī arī citas baltu ciltis. Viņa sieva Marta bijusi Madelānu pilskunga meita, bet Aglonas apvidū ir Madelānu pilskalns ar senpilsētu, kas bijis ievērojams tā laika politiskais un saimnieciskais centrs.

Aglonas katolicisma centra veidošanās

1697. gadā muižu īpašniece Ieva Justīne Šostovicka ar Livonijas bīskapa Nikolaja Poplavska atbalstu aicināja Viļņas dominikāņus izveidot Aglonā klosteri un skolu. Šostovicku pāris šīs ieceres īstenošanai uzdāvināja 17 sādžas ar 90 mājām - "Dievam par godu un latviešiem par svētību". 1688. gadā Aglonā ieradās Viļņas dominikāņu klostera priors tēvs Remigijs Mosokovskis, lai vienā no letgaļu svētvietām būvētu klosteri un baznīcu. Dominikāņi Aglonas baznīcā novietoja Dievmātes gleznas atdarinājumu, kas tapis pēc Trāķu dievnama (Lietuvas) oriģināla. Par to, vai tas ir tiesa, klīst leģendas, kas apgalvo pretējo – oriģināls ticis samainīts un Aglonā atrodas nevis kopija, bet īstā glezna. Arī pašu baznīcu Aglonā veidoja pēc Trāķu bazilikas parauga un kā viena, tā otra ir veltītas Dievmātes debesīs uzņemšanas godam.

Aglonā tika izveidots arī Sv. Dominika trešais ordenis, kurā varēja iestāties gan sievietes, gan vīrieši, kas nevēlējās atteikties no laicīgās dzīves, bet ievēroja ordeņa noteikumus, nožēloja grēkus un nodevās žēlsirdības darbam. Kad 1699. gadā celtā vienkāršā koka baznīca gāja bojā, tās vietā 1768.-1780. gadā uzcēla mūra klostera ēku un staltu baroka stila baznīcu ar diviem 60 m augstiem torņiem.

1824. gadā dominikāņi pasūtīja klosterim līdzās esošā avota ekspertīzi. Tā kā Pēterburgas Medicīnas akadēmijā veiktās analīzes apliecināja, ka sēravota ūdens var kalpot medicīniskiem nolūkiem, ātri tika uzbūvēta vienkārša slimnīca ar 10 vietām. Aglonā bija arī draudzes skola, kur bērnus pilnībā nodrošināja ar visu nepieciešamo, lai augtu un mācītos. 19. gadsimta 20. gados Aglonā atklāja garīgo semināru.

Iekļaujot tagadējās Latvijas teritoriju Krievijas impērijā, pret Aglonas klosteri sākās represijas. Tas gan bija vienīgais no astoņiem Vitebskas guberņas katoļu garīgajiem ordeņiem, kuru neslēdza, tomēr tā iemītniekus izdzenāja, bet klosteri pārvērta par savdabīgu cietumu - tajā ieslodzīto statusā nometināja aktīvākos un nepakļāvīgākos katoļu priesterus un pēdējo mājvietu piešķīra veciem un slimiem garīdzniekiem.

Pirmā pasaules kara laikā Aglonas bazilikas klosterī bija gan cara armijas bataljona štābs, gan lazarete, bet 1918. gadā, kad Krievijā pie varas nāca boļševiki, viņi cerēja Aglonā atrast noslēpto zeltu. Tika demolēts klosteris un bazilikas pagrabi un izlaupīti apbedījumi.

Pirmās neatkarīgās Latvijas valsts laikā laikaposmā no 1918. līdz 1940. gadam Aglonā atklāja garīgo semināru, kas bija viena no labākajām augstākās izglītības mācību iestādēm, vīriešu ģimnāziju un vēlāk arī sieviešu ģimnāziju. Otrā pasaules kara laikā katoļticīgo vajāšana un nežēlīga izrēķināšanās ar garīdzniekiem turpinājās. Ticība šķita bīstama gan padomju režīmam, gan hitleriskajai Vācijai.

1980. gadā, kad Latvijas katoļi atzīmēja Aglonas bazilikas 200 gadu jubileju, Romas pāvests Jānis Pāvils II tai piešķīra „Basilica Minoris” jeb Mazās bazilikas goda titulu. 1989. gadā, pirmo reizi pēc 50 gadiem, no Rīgas uz Aglonu devās svētceļnieki, kas visu pārsimt kilometru garo ceļu veica kājām. Šā paša gada 15. augustā Vissvētākās Jaunavas Marijas Debesīs uzņemšanas svētkos pirmo reizi pēc daudziem gadiem svētku procesija tika rīkota ārpus baznīcas žoga, bet dārzā pirmo reizi notika dievkalpojums latviešu valodā.

Svētvieta, svētais avots un dziedinošā svētbilde

Par Aglonas brīnumiem klīst dažādi nostāsti. Piemēram, kāds zemnieks Kristaps Mateisāns no Spīku ciema vedis uz Aglonu bērnu kristīt. Airējoties pāri Cirīša ezeram, sacēlusies liela vētra un viļņi sākuši svaidīt laivu. Zemnieks, cenšoties valdīt laivu, nav pamanījis, ka bērns iekritis ezerā. Apjautis nelaimi, Kristaps sācis skaļā balsī piesaukt Aglonas Dievmāti, un tajā pašā brīdī bērns atradies krasta tuvumā un krastmalā esošie cilvēki to sveiku un veselu izvilkuši no ezera.

Arī 17. gadsimtā uz ozola koka gleznoto svētbildi ticīgie uzskata par brīnumdarītāju. Savukārt ūdenim, kas iztek no avota Egles ezera malā netālu no bazilikas, tiek piedēvēts dievišķs ārstniecisks spēks. Ticīgie uz Aglonu dodas svētceļojumos, īpaši daudz - Vasarsvētkos un Vissvētākās Jaunavas Marijas debesīs uzņemšanas svētkos. Aglonas bazilikas iekārtas priekšmeti darināti 18. gadsimtā, sānu altāri - 19. gadsimta sākumā. Svētnīcā glabājas bagāta gleznu, skulptūru un citu mākslas vērtību kolekcija, tostarp slavenā 17. gadsimtā darinātā svētbilde, kuru atsedz tikai svinīgos gadījumos reliģisko svētku laikā. Pastāv uzskats, ka tai piemīt dziednieciskas spējas. Tuvojoties vēsturiskajai Romas pāvesta vizītei Latvijā, 90. gados bazilikas priekšā tika izveidots laukums, kur notiek procesijas gājieni un galveno dievkalpojumu laikā pulcējas baznīcēni. Laukums ierīkots kā norobežota sakrāla vieta, kas ar baziliku veido vienotu ansambli.

Svētceļojumi uz Aglonu

15. augusts ir Vissvētākās Jaunavas Marijas debesīs uzņemšanas svētki, kuros viena no skaistākajām mūsdienu baznīcas tradīcijām ir svētceļojumi uz Aglonu. Tajos dodas ticīgie ne tikai no Latvijas, bet arī Lietuvas, Polijas un citām Eiropas valstīm.

Tālāko ceļu Latvijā noiet Liepājas katoļi – viņu gājiens ir vairāk nekā nedēļu garš. Tuvojoties Aglonai, lielākas vai mazākas dievlūdzēju grupiņas piepilda visus šā apvidus ceļus. Arī nakts dievkalpojums aizkustina un piepilda ikvienu, kas to piedzīvo bazilikas laukumā, stāvot plecu pie pleca ar ticības brāļiem un māsām.


Aglona and Aglona Basilica

The most important Catholic spiritual centre in Latvia and the sacred site on a global scale, where every year on the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – on 15 August – hundreds of thousands of pilgrims arrive from all Eastern Europe, is located in Aglona, a picturesque Latgalian town surrounded by lakes. Aglona Catholic Basilica is one of the most impressive churches in the Baltic States, and many legends are told about the miracles that have happened here.

Spiritual Centre for the tribes of the Balts

Scientists believe that in Aglona the nations of Balts have lived almost two thousand years before the Christ. Name “Aglona” has originated from the word “fir” (“egle” in Latvian language Latgalian dialect) – in ancient times this area was covered in thick fir forests, lakes and rivers.

Aglona has been the sanctuary of the ancient Balts tribe – letgali. However, this area was first mentioned in written documents in relation with the Lithuanian king Mindaugas – who was murdered here in 1236 along with his sons Rukli and Rupeiki, and buried on 12 September. Nowadays the country established by Mindaugas is considered to be the dawn of Lithuania. But there are scientists who are confident that Mindaugas’ intentions were even more extensive – he had planned to unite also other tribes of the Balts in a Christian country. By the way, the Queen mentioned in this legend, is Mindaugas’ wife Marta. She was the daughter of Madelani lord of the manor, but Madelani Castle Mound with the ancient town, which was a significant political and economic centre of that time, is located in the middle of Aglona district.

The formation of Aglona Catholic Church centre

In 1697 Landlady Ieva Justine Sostovicka with the support of the Livonian Bishop Nikolajs Paplavskis invited the Dominicans of Vilnius to form a monastery and a school in Aglona. The Sostvicki couple presented 17 villages with 90 houses for this new project – “In honour of the God and for the blessings of the Latvian nation”. In 1688 Prior of the Vilnius Dominican Monastery – father Remigijs Mosokovskis arrived in Aglona to build a monastery and a church in one of the letgali sanctuaries. Dominicans placed the painting of Our Lady in Aglona Church created after the sample of the icon in Trakai Church (Lithuanian). Several legends have been told about this icon, but all of them tell the same that the original has been switched and that the icon in Aglona is not the copy, but the real icon itself. The Church in Aglona was formed following the example of Trakai Basilica and it was dedicated to the honour of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary as well. In Aglona the third St Dominic Order was formed in which women as well as men were accepted, who were not willing to refuse their secular lives, but were following the Regulation of the Order, repented of their sins and devoted themselves to the work of mercy.

When the simple wooden church erected in 1699 was destroyed, from 1768 to 1780 a masonry monastery building was erected instead of it as well as an imposing Baroque style church with two 60 meters high towers. In 1824 Dominicans ordered expertise of the spring located next to the monastery. The analysis carried out in St Petersburg State Medical Academy proved that water from the holy spring could be used for medical purposes therefore a simple hospital was quickly erected for 10 patients. There was also a parish school in Aglona, where children were fully equipped with everything necessary for studies and life. In the 20s of the 19th century a Holy Seminar was opened in Aglona.

By including the present-day territory of Latvia into the Russian empire retaliation of Aglona monastery begun, although it was the only of the eight Catholic spiritual monasteries in Vitebska province, which was not closed. But the residents of it were driven away and the monastery was turned into a peculiar prison – the prisoners of it were the most active and non-compliant priests, as well as it was the last residence for old and sick priests. During the World War I the battalion headquarters, as well as an infirmary was located in Aglona Basilica monastery, but in 1918 when the bosleviki came in hopes to find hidden gold they vandalized the basements of the monastery and basilica and looted the burials.

During the first independence period of Latvia from 1918 to 1940 the Spiritual Seminar was established in Aglona, which was one of the best higher education institutions, gymnasium for men and later on – also gymnasium for women. In 1940 with the establishment of the Soviet rule, the properties of the Church were nationalized and transferred to state management, but the Catholic Priests were evicted and persecuted. During the World War II the persecution and cruel violence towards Catholic believers continued – it turned out that religious beliefs exposed danger to both sides – the Soviets as well as the Hitlerian Germans. During the Soviet rule the elimination of traditions and beliefs was highly prioritised.

In 1980 when the Catholics of Latvia marked the 200th anniversary of Aglona Basilica, the Roman Pope John Paul II awarded it the title of “Basilica Minoris”, but three years later promoted His Excellency, Bishop Julian Vaivods as the Cardinal. In 1989 for the first time in 50 years pilgrims were travelling from Riga to Aglona, who completed the whole way of several hundreds of kilometres on their feet singing and praying. On 15 August 1989 during the Celebration of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the first time after many years the euharistical procession took place outside the church enclosure, but in the garden a public service was first held in Latvian language.

The Holy Site, the Holy Spring and the Healing Icon

A lot of miracle stories have been told about Aglona. For example, a peasant named Kristaps Mateisans from Spiki village was taking his child over the Lake of Cirulitis to Aglona to christen him. While rowing over the lake, a huge gale was rising and the waves tumbled and tossed the boat, but the peasant was navigating the boat and did not notice that his child fell into the lake. When he realised the disaster, Kristaps started to call out loud Our Lady of Aglona. And at the very moment the child turned up on the bank – the people standing there had pulled him out of the lake safe and sound.

The icon painted on oak in the 17th century is also considered to be the miracle-worker. Godlike and healing force is attributed to the sulphur water of the spring that runs from the Egle Lake located nearby. The faithful travel to Aglona in pilgrimages, especially on Whitsun and on the Day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The events organised each year on 14 and 15 August within the Catholic Church celebration can definitely be considered as national level events, because they are visited by hundreds of thousands of believers form various Christian faiths.

The equipment objects in the Church were made in the 18th century, the side altars – at the beginning of the 19th century. Here a wide collection of paintings, sculptures and art values is stored, including the famous icon “Our Lady of Aglona – the Miracle Maker” (of 17th century), which is uncovered only at official events during religious celebrations. People believe that it has a healing power.

Awaiting for the planned visit of the Pope to Latvia, in the 90s a sacral square in front of the church was made, that serves for processions, as well as for the Cross Road and worshippers during the major public service. The square is shaped so that it has a confined sacral space which forms an ensemble with Basilica. In 1993 the holy site of Aglona was visited and consecrated by the Roman Pope John Paul II.

Pilgrimages to Aglona

15 August is the celebration day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This event is not mentioned in the Gospel, but Church traditions hold definite statements about this fact. In Aglona this is the major celebration of the year and usually every Latvian Catholic, who is willing to celebrate it in honour of Our Lady along other faithful brothers, attends it. Hundreds of thousands of believers pray together, renew their relationships with Him and find peace in God. The church is trying to do everything to make this celebration more available to people, so that everyone could have a chance to bail from the springs of life, i.e., from the Euharististical Table and from the God’s Words in the Holy Writ.

One of the most beautiful and surprising traditions in the present-day Latvia is the pilgrimage to Aglona, where believers from the whole country take part to celebrate 15 August. The longest road is covered by the Catholics from the city of Liepaja, whose journey takes more than a week to reach Aglona. When 15 August approaches all roads of Aglona area are crowded with larger or smaller groups of worshippers, who come singing, carrying flags and crucifixes. The night service touches the bottom of heart and overwhelms everyone, who experiences it at the square of Aglona Basilica, standing side by side with other brothers and sisters of faith

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YI: Nhtšn cn ivqh RAT: Ngbc, va gur zvqqyr

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