I don't see your Point! Mystery Cache
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I have listed several puzzles over the last year and have enjoyed doing so. Over the course of time I have heard several funny comments and been asked all kinds of questions. Some may hint around for a clue and others will just straight out ask.
Some of those comments look like this:
It is my opinion you are evil
What is the question
I have no idea
I am lost
I am at a point where my brain has stopped thinking, it has shutdown, it is your fault
Beats me
I think the coordinates might have disappear into thin air
What in the world were you thinking
This is going to make me lose my hair
Where is the puzzle (To date the best comment)
I love the questions and comments. It is what drives me to make more puzzles. Keep the comments and questions coming.
The cache is not located at the posted coordinates. You must solve the puzzle.

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