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Mr. In-between Tradiční keška

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Založeno : 12/31/2014
1.5 out of 5
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Popis kešky

The Lancaster Town Forest is located on Brokelman Rd. easily accessed from Rte.117. After geocaching here, I thought we needed more caches, so here we go! Parking is limited





The cache is not far off the trail (maybe 50 feet.) Easy walk for children, and should be winter friendly, til we get buried in snow. I say BRING IT ON! It's called Mr. In-between because I put it between two of my other caches. $1.00 for the FTF. Go kids. Beat the grown-ups. GOODLUCK!

 CAUTION: When in the woods ANYWHERE in the Fall, wear bright colors, and make some "human" noise                                                                                                           


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