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Pretoria GeoArt A10 - What's In a Flag? Mystery keška

Kešku založil Tartan_Terror Napsat autorovi
Založeno : 04/30/2014
3 out of 5
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Popis kešky

PRETORIA GeoArt Series

Welcome to PRETORIA!

The Pretoria geocaching community is very proud to present PRETORIA, the largest GeoArt series to date in South Africa.

Aside from its rich cultural history, Pretoria is also home to an extremely active geocaching community. The Pretoria geocachers are a very social bunch and meet at least once every month to share stories, swap experiences and trackables and enjoy each other's company. During one of our get-togethers, the idea of putting our beautiful city well and truly on the geocaching map was born. It started off as a small idea but we soon realised that it would be a huge undertaking. When the call for interested parties went out, the local community responded true to spirited Pretoria form and soon all 85 caches were allocated to 21 different teams. The PRETORIA GeoArt community project commenced in January 2014 and was completed six months later in June 2014.

We hope you will enjoy exploring our beautiful city of PRETORIA.

Pretoria GeoArt A10 – What’s in a Flag?

Puzzle is child suitable; BEWARE the thorns at the hide.

Nápověda (Dešifrovat)

Chmmyr: Pbybherq Qvirefvgl Uvqr: Zntargvp ba Purieba. Jngpu bhg sbe gur gubeaf!

Dekódovací klíč


(písmena v horní řadě odpovídají písmenům v dolní řadě a naopak)