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Fun with Flags Zaklad z uganko

Postavljen : 02/05/2014
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si kako poteka geolov

Pomembno: za uporabo storitev veljajo določila in pogoji iz naše izjave o omejitvi odgovornosti.

Opis zaklada:

Please note that the cache is not at the above coordinates. There is nothing for you to find there. Solve the puzzle below to obtain the true coordinates. Please also note that the cache location needed to be changed and the geochecker will provide you will the coordinates of the new cache location. The coordinates you obtain from solving the puzzle are not the final coordinates!
This cache is part of the Master of Mystery #21 Perth, Western Australia

Dear Geocachers

One Saturday evening after I was finished with my laundry, I came across this fascinating hobby of yours while browsing for information on the internet. I would very much like to partake in this interesting game but don’t think it will suit me. It won’t fit into my very busy schedule and will also involve me going to places unknown to me. I also choose not to drive and I doubt Leonard, Penny or Amy will be willing to drive me. I might also need to go to unhygienic areas and put my life at risk.

Nevertheless, I started reading up on your hobby and saw that there are many different types of geocaches to find. I was quite intrigued by these ‘Mystery or Puzzle’ caches and started to ask some of my Fun with Flag viewers whether they had heard of geocaching before. I was delighted to get a response from an avid vexillologist and geocacher, Delbadore.

The world of vexillology is an exciting one to explore. Do you know what the only non-rectangular flag is or which animal appears most often on flags? Hopefully you will discover these vital answers while working on this geocache.

Delbadore and I started working on this puzzle quite some time ago and after plenty of brainstorming and throwing out all of his ideas, I am finally happy with the puzzle. Delbadore told me there are many avid puzzle hunters in the Gauteng area and even a few ‘Puzzle solving Masters’ around. I have kept that in mind and tried to devise a puzzle to keep you all busy! Is it colours, names, letters, stripes, stars or symbols? That’s for you to figure out. I look forward to seeing whether you can crack a puzzle designed by me! Hopefully you’re more intelligent than Howard as he wouldn’t have any success.

Then we needed to discuss where exactly to place the geocache. I really wanted to hide it in a train but it seems that breaches the guidelines. So upon my instruction, Delbadore originally placed the cache near an object I dislike (especially when riding on the back of Howard’s Vespa). Unfortunately he needed to change the hiding spot but nevertheless I hope you enjoy the hide! But first you must solve the puzzle!

Good luck – I hope you crack it easily. BAZINGA!

Who knows? Maybe if this puzzle is well received I will place one about trains.

Yours in Science

Dr Sheldon Cooper

B.S., M.S., M.A., Ph.D., Sc.D.
Theoretical Physicist
California Institute of Technology

Smart idea looking here but unfortunately you won't find anything

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The answer lies above!

Click here to view a larger version.

FTF - ThomasfamilyZA & BrendsZA - STF - TroopScouter & PackScouter - TTF - rodnjoan

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