ENG: Bring your own pencil and please put everything back PRECISELY as it was!
Tuhkana has the best beach in Saaremaa in our opinion: sandy, deepens smoothly and quickly enough and there is never too many people. Now the RMK - State Forest Enterprise - has set up a camping ground here as well, just behind the dunes on the shore. Leave the car at the parking, there is also a small info board there, and walk down to the beach - and don't forget to enjoy life!
EST: Võta oma pliiats kaasa ja pane asjad tagasi TÄPSELT samamoodi!
Tuhkana rand on meie arust lihtsalt Saaremaa parim – liivane, läheb mõnusalt sügavaks ja rahvast on meeldivalt vähe. Laine on ka alati olemas. Ja nüüd on RMK siia ka telkimiskoha teinud, otse randa luidete taha – minge ja nautige. Auto tuleb jätta Vladislavi valvsa pilgu alla koordinaatidele 58 35 30.6 ja 22 30 25.9, sealsamas on ka pisuke infotahvel, mis Tuhkana asjad lahti seletab. Ilusat olemist!