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MCT : Solar powered curtains Tradiční keška

Kešku založil heartstones1 Napsat autorovi
Založeno : 09/08/2013
2.5 out of 5
4.5 out of 5

Velikost: Size:   malá (malá)

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Popis kešky

120ml container.

After this cache if you continue around 400m downstream you will come to East Farleigh Lock.
There is no canoe pass around the lock. The canoe access point is just downstream of the bridge on the Northern bank.
Note that:
  • You are supposed to have a licence to boat on the river. If you plan on canoeing more than a few times, or on more than one waterway the most cost-effective way may be the annual licence from the British Canoe Union. Canoe-England
  • A buoyancy aid is recommended, even if you can swim.
  • Be careful especially near weirs, sluices and canoe passes. These increase the risk of capsize, especially at times of high water flow. There is a risk of entrapment or even drowning.
  • Be prepared to deal with getting wet. Although this may be pleasant in summer it can be dangerous in colder months.
  • Electronic gadgets tend not to cope well with water so if you are taking them with you I recommend that you use appropriate waterproofing protection for them.

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