[LAT]"Mums nav vajadzīga baiļu un histērijas atmosfēra, taču jau šobrīd ikvienam skaidri jāapsver sava rīcība varbūtējā x stundā, kad tautu brīvības centienu apspiešanai tiks ieviesta PSRS prezidenta pārvalde," tā pirms vairākiem gadiem janvāra sākumā iedzīvotājus uzrunāja Latvijas Tautas fronte (LTF).
X stunda pienāca augustā, kad tautu līdzsvarā noturēja radio balsis....

Īpaša nozīme Salaspilij bijusi arī tautas atmodas laikā pagājušā gadsimta 90. gados, kad 1991. gadā Mihaila Gorbačova politikas pretinieki Krievijā izraisīja Augustu puču. Arī Latvijas valstiskā neatkarība bija nopietnās briesmās. Tolaik ļoti svarīgi bija informēt Latviju un pasauli par šeit notiekošo, taču radio māju Rīgā bija ieņēmušas padomju varai padotās īpašās milicijas daļas, un vajadzēja vietu, kur radio varētu strādāt pagrīdes režīmā. Tāda atradās Salaspilī.
Sākoties pučam, 19. augusta vakarā daži brīvprātīgie radio cilvēki jau bija Salaspilī pilnā gatavībā sākt raidīt, ja gadījumā tiks ieņemta studija Doma laukumā. 20. augustā prognozes piepildījās un Radio ieņēma melnās beretes. Īsu brīdi bija klusums, ko pārtrauca Dzintra Kolāta balss: "Godātie radioklausītāji, diemžēl Latvijas Radio māja Doma laukumā tika ieņemta, un šobrīd mēs raidām no citas studijas." Cilvēki ārpusē ļoti labi nojauta, kādās briesmās ir studijas cilvēki.
Puča dienās uz Vanšu tilta Rīgā stāvēja padomju bruņu transportieri, Latvijas radio māja bija ieņemta, taču ziņas par Latvijā notiekošo ēterā skanēja. Pēc radio ieņemšanas, ēters klusēja tikai 56 sekundes. Slepenā studija bija pietiekami tuvu Rīgai, lai atrastos tuvu notikumu epicentram, bet reizē – pietiekami tālu no blīvi apdzīvotām vietām - pašā Salaspils nomalē. Latvijas brīvības pretinieki ļoti centās šo radio staciju atrast, taču nesekmīgi, jo no Salaspils nekāds signāls ēterā nav izskanējis. No Salaspils elektrotīklu apakšstacijas tas pa iekšējo sakaru sistēmas telefonu vadu sūtīts uz Valmieru, un no turienes raidīts gaisā.
Augusta pučam beidzoties, 21. augusta naktī OMON vienības sāka atkāpties no Doma laukuma un naktī uz 22. augustu atstāja Latvijas Televīzijas un Latvijas Radio ēku. Atslēdza Salaspils radio no ētera, un no Radiomājas skanēja himna...
Ielā, ar simbolisku nosaukumu – Gaismas iela, atrodas neliela dzeltena mājiņa, šeit 1991. gada Augusta puča dienās divas diennaktis darbojās pagrīdes radiostacija. Jūsu uzdevums ir atrast šo māju un saskaitīt plāksnes pie ieejas durvīm, kas būs vērtība X. Vērtību Y veido pastkastītes krāsa!
Brūna – 9
Pelēka – 4
Zaļa – 1
Dodieties 318 grādu virzienā XY metrus un atrodiet slēpni!
Slēpnis satur viesugrāmatu, zīmuli, zīmuļa asināmo, kā arī dažādas lietas apmaiņai. Konteinerī atrodas arī zīmogs, kurš nav paredzēts līdzi ņemšanai.
[ENG]"We do not need the atmosphere of fear and hysteria, however, already at this moment everyone must clearly consider their actions in the possible x hour, when the USSR presidential administration will be introduced to suppress the nations freedom aspirations,” some years ago in early January the people were addressed by the Popular Front of Latvia(PFL).
The x hour came in August, when the nation was kept in balance by the voices on the radio…
Salaspils also had a special significance during the nation’s awakening in the 90s of the previous century, when in 1991 the opponents of Mikhail Gorbacev’s policy caused the August coup in Russia. The Latvian state independence was also in serious danger. At the time, it was very important to inform Latvia and the world of what was happening here, but the Radio House in Riga was occupied by Special Task Force units subjected to the Soviet power and space was needed where the radio could operate in an underground regime. Such a place was found in Salaspils.
When the coup began, on the evening of August 19th several volunteers of the radio staff were already in Salaspils in full readiness to start broadcasting, in case the studio in Doma Square was occupied. On August 20th the prognosis came true and the Radio was taken by the black berets. For a short while there was silence that was interrupted by the voice of Dzintris Kolats:”Honourable listeners, unfortunately the Latvia’s Radio Building in Doma Square has been taken and now we are broadcasting from another studio.” People on the outside could very well apprehend the danger the people in the studio were subject to.
During the days of the coup there were armoured Soviet vehicles parked on the Vansu bridge in Riga, the Latvia Radio Building was taken, but news of what was happening in Latvia was still on air. After the taking of the radio, the air was silent for only 56 seconds. The secret studio was close enough to Riga, to be close to the epicenter of the developments, but also - far enough from densely populated areas – in the farthest outskirts of Salaspils. The opponent of Latvian freedom exceedingly strived to find this radio station, however, unsuccessfully, because there was no signal from Salaspils in the air. From a substation of the Salaspils electrical power network along the internal communication system’s telephone wire it was sent to Valmiera and from there transmitted into the air.
With the ending of the August coup on the night of August 21st the special Task Force units started to draw back from Doma Square, and on the night of August 22nd left the Latvijas Televizija and Latvijas Radio Building. Salaspils radio was taken off the air and the national anthem was broadcast from the Radiohouse…
On a street with a symbolic name – Gaismas street (Light street) there is a small yellow house, here during the August coup of 1991 an underground radio station broadcast for two days and nights. Your task is to find this house and count the plates at the front door, that will be the value of X. The value of Y is made up by the colour of the postbox!
Brown – 9
Gray – 4
Green – 1
Go XY meters in the direction of 318 degrees and find the cache!
A final cache contains a logbook, a pencil, a pencil sharpener as well as different things for exchange. The box contains a stamp that is not meant to be taken away.
Good luck!

FTF: Bindons
STF: Sliikonja, TinMan
TTF: DoctorZG