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Challenge: Water You Waiting For? Zaklad z uganko

Ta zaklad je bil arhiviran.

hummingbirdfreak: This one had a good run, but I'm letting it go. Thanks to all the cachers who found it and gave it favorite points!

Postavljen : 04/10/2013
3 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Velikost: Size:   mikro (mikro)

Pridružite se in si oglejte opis zaklada. Registracija je brezplačna!


si kako poteka geolov

Pomembno: za uporabo storitev veljajo določila in pogoji iz naše izjave o omejitvi odgovornosti.

Opis zaklada:

Water is essential to all life. Living in the Coachella Valley for 32 years has made me acutely aware of the importance of water, so I thought it would be fun to devote a challenge to all of the water caches out there.

The cache is at the posted coordinates. However, this is a challenge cache and you must first complete the geocaching-related tasks below. Feel free to find the cache and sign the log, but you cannot log this cache as "found" unless you meet the requirements and physically sign the log. Found logs that do not meet the requirements will be deleted. The difficulty rating is based on completing the challenge, not on finding the cache.

1. Find 30 different caches with the word "water" in the cache title. The chemical formula for water, "H2O", is also acceptable for this challenge.

2. Caches you own don't count, but thanks for placing them.

3. Caches can be found anywhere in the world.

To get credit for this find, you must post one of the following with your found log:

A) A link to a bookmark list showing all the caches that meet the requirements; OR

B) A list that contains the GC code, the title of the cache and the date found.

So, water you waiting for? Go find some "water" caches! If you need help, please refer to my bookmark list for suggestions.

Please be careful of all the desert critters who call this area home! Happy caching!

Log only, BYOP.

Congrats to Sierrawildflower & GeoHiker for FTF!

Dodatni namigi (Za ta zaklad ni na voljo nobenega namiga.)