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Wile E. Coyote, Genius. Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

Lady Nomad: Moved from Vegas to Florida. Thanks to geo-friends back there trying to maintain what I left before. Finally gone for good I think.

Hidden : 2/16/2013
1 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

You are looking for a regular size Altoids tin. It has a log only, so don't forget a pen, but has room for small TBs or coins.  It is directly beside a paved pedestrian path and is completely accessible by wheelchair. Pretty obvious hiding spot. You can either do the walk, or there is street very near by for a quick cache.

Please note, as of February 1st, 2014, I am a Floridian! If you see that this cache needs a new log, I'd appreciate the help to keep it active! Thanks!

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Congrats to ALLYN56 for FTF!

I grew up watching the poor coyote chasing the dastardly roadrunner all over the desert with various Acme specialized equipment: rockets, explosives...birdseed.  But he only caught him once, and that was when the roadrunner was 3 times bigger than him!  The little guy just wants some hot wings! So, it appears Wile E. is getting too old and slow to chase the roadrunner anymore.  I know that feeling. Fortunately, he has finally found a place to hang out (and plot, of course!) that just screamed his name...ROADRUNNER PARK.  He's now waiting for dinner to come to him.

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I couldn't believe that no one had hidden a cache in this location.  But tonight, when I went to hide mine, I immediately realized why that might be; muggle central. Under cover of darkness, I hid it near the middle of the park, but not too close to the playground (we don't want anyone getting arrested for lurking about). Be stealthy when you retrieve and return it.  Don't's not booby-trapped.  But don't eat the birdseed, just in case!

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4/4/13 - I replaced the original Altoids tin today. Apparently, the original tin mimicked the real coyote and was SQUASHED! Please when replacing the cache, cover it GENTLY! I and the cachers that follow you would appreciate it!

Additional Hints (No hints available.)