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2000 Traditionals Challenge Mystery Cache

This cache has been archived.

GeoCrater: I am regretfully archiving this cache since there's been no response from nor action by the cache owner within the time frame requested in the last reviewer note.

GeoCrater Community Volunteer Reviewer

Hidden : 11/18/2012
1.5 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

For some time now, I have been planning to mark the occasion of finding my 2000th Traditional Cache. The way I have chosen to mark that occasion is by placing an Unknown Cache.

Kris32, DJKing, Rebel04, UNLV and I spent the better part of this morning walking in the desert, enjoying the day and sharing conversation. By the time we were through, we had visited 22 cache sites, happened upon some folks looking for camel fossils, and had a most memorable time. Our little excursion put me over 2000 Traditional finds, so I ran back to the house, worked up a cache container, and headed back out in the desert. The above listed coordinates are where you will find the cache, but you may log this cache ONLY if you have already found 2000 or more Traditional Caches. All previous finds count toward this total. Use whatever method you choose to show your finds.

As a reminder, you may log this cache as "Found" only if you have already collected 2000 of these green caching icons. Cachers that do not meet this requirement may have their log for this cache deleted.

"First To Find" gets a George Washington Presidential $1 Coin.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)