The coordinates are NOT where the cache is. Solve the puzzle to get the coords.

Cheshire Fair 2012
This cache is hidden near the Cheshire County fairgrounds. Below is a list of all the fairs in New Hampshire. Although the dates are for 2012, the fairs generally run around that time each year. Please check the internet for the latest dates if interested in attending.
I was thinking of making a challenge that would have you find a cache at each fair, but instead, I will ask that, if you want to, please list in your log which fairs you have attended. Thanks.
Here is the puzzle
42 53.ABC 072 15.DEF
ALL answers are from the table below ONLY.
A. What day does the Sandwich Fair begin?
B. What day does the Hillsborough County Fair end?
C. Rochester fair begins on September 1C.
D. Cheshire Fair begins on what day?
E. What day does the Sandwich Fair begin?
F. What day does the Sandwich Fair end?
Stratham Fair July 19 - July 22
Stratham Hill Park Route 33, Stratham, NH
North Haverhill July 25 - July 29
RR 1, North Haverhill, NH
Cheshire Fair Aug 1 - 5
319 Monadnock Highway, Swanzey, NH
Belknap County Fair August 11 - 12
Mile Hill Road Belmont, NH
Cornish Fair August 17 - 19
Townhouse Road Cornish Flat, NH
Lancaster Fair August 29 - Sept 3
Route 3 Lancaster, NH
Hopkinton State Fair Aug 30 - Sept 3
Kearsarge Avenue Contoocook, NH
Hillsborough County Fair September 7 - 9
314 Clinton Street New Boston, NH
Rochester Fair September 14 - 23
72 Lafayette Street, Rochester, NH
Deerfield Fair Sept 27 - 30
Route 43 South Deerfield, NH
Sandwich Fair October 6 - 8
7 Wentworth Hill Rd., Rt 109 North, Center Sandwich, NH