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Bunker Down Tradiční keška

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Ministro - Matt

Založeno : 03/14/2012
1.5 out of 5
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Popis kešky

Located at the site of one of the many bunkers on Bribie Island. Please respect this place of historic significance. The hint is very specific if you wish to use it.

There were many of these bunkers built on Bribie Island during World War II. This is one of the easiest to get to, there are several north of this one on the 4WD part of the beach, including Fort Bribie which is quite a way up the beach. This fort was originally 3 sand dunes inland from the high tide mark.

In 1943 the forts were operational, and the army had evacuated residents from Woorim to use the area. They took over the local hotel for the messes.

Many of the original forts were up on concrete and wooden posts, you can see remnants of these just south of this point inthe rotary park.

Nápověda (Dešifrovat)

Qbja ybj

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