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Ohnivy demon Traditional Cache

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FitReviewer: Ahoj szombat,

mrzí ma to, ale nedostali sme od teba žiadnu reakciu. Preto tento listing teraz archivujem, čím sa ostatným kešerom otvára priestor pre založenie novej kešky niekde v okolí a hra tak môže pokračovať.

Ak po tvojej keške zostali v teréne nejaké zvyšky, prosím o ich odstránenie. Súčasťou hry Geocaching je aj zásada "Leave no trace" - nezanechať po sebe žiadne stopy, ktoré by mohli byť vnímané ako negatívny zásah do životného prostredia.

Pokiaľ sa niekedy v budúcnosti rozhodneš svoju kešku opäť oživiť, budeme veľmi radi! Prosím, premysli si, či zvládneš aj jej následnú údržbu a ak áno, založ ju ako novú kešku, s novým listingom. Ak je totiž keška archivovaná reviewerom z dôvodu nedostatočnej údržby, z archívu ju už vyberať nemáme.

V mene všetkých nálezcov tvojej kešky ti ďakujem za zábavu, ktorú nám priniesla.

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Guidelines - Keep cache page active
Help Center - 6.4. Maintenance expectations
Help Center - 7.15. Archive a geocache

Hidden : 7/23/2011
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2.5 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

Autenticke svedectvo o vycinani bytosti z ineho sveta. Odporucame vyhnut sa spoilerom v galerii a komentaroch pre vychutnanie atmosfery. ENGLISH: The authentical testimony about the creature from the other world. To enjoy the atmosphere we recommend to avoid the spoilers in the gallery and in the comments.

ENGLISH translation: Follows below the Slovak text.

Pri opravach domu mojho prastareho, otca v Hornych Zeleniciach som pod sprachnivelou drevenou podlahou nasiel zamknutu cinovu schranku. Nevenoval som jej pozornost, vyhodil som ju medzi ostatne stare haraburdy z domu a pokracoval som v praci.


Vecer som si ale na nu spomenul: preco by niekto schovaval schranku pod podlahu a preco by ju zamykal? Urcite bude obsahovat nieco vzacne, co malo zostat skryte a neporusene. Nedalo mi to a este v ten vecer som zamok prepilil a schranku otvoril. Ake bolo moje prekvapenie, ked z nej vypadol tento dennik plny zapisov, nacrtov a starych fotiek. Jeho prepis vam nizsie prinasam:



11. 8. 1913

Dalsia stodola plna zozateho a vymlateneho obilia lahla dnes v noci popolom. Spolu s obilim zhorel aj dvestorocny lis na vino. Od juna je to uz piaty pripad. Dnes sa u sedliaka Synaka zisli najbohatsi gazdovia z dediny a radili sa, ako poziare zastavit. Po poslednom pripade je jasne, ze stodoly niekto umyselne podpaluje. Zalozime nocne dedinske hliadky a budeme sa po dvoch chlapoch striedat pri strazeni naseho majetku, inak cez zimu pomrieme hladom.  Ine vychodisko nie je.

12. 8. 1913

Horvath a Synak dnes drzali prvu hliadku. Na dalsie noci sa na strazenie prihlasili vsetci, ktori vlastnia vacsie hospodarstva. Lukac uvolnil natrvalo jedneho paholka. V dedine sa od rana hovori iba o tom. Snad to podpalaca vystrasi a nebude uz viac skodit a ozobracovat vsetkych nicenim vysledkov nasej celorocnej prace.

16. 8. 1913

Uz styri noci je pokoj - ani jediny poziar. Zda sa, ze nase spolocne opatrenia pomohli.

18. 8. 1913

Dnes zhoreli tri stodoly naraz, takmer v rovnaky cas. Nie je snad v moci jedneho cloveka zalozit tri poziare na roznych miestach. Hliadky nikoho nevideli. Dedinou sa siri strach. Ludia sa na noc prestahovali do svojich stodol na zahumienkoch v snahe zabranit dalsej skaze. Celu noc bdeju a cez den su vycerpani a nestihaju prace na poli a vo vinohradoch.


Horiaca stodola na dolnom konci Zelenic pri kostole

20. 8. 1913

O jednej hodine rano zacala horiet stodola stareho Hrivnaka. Hliadku mal prave Synakov svagor s paholkom. Hned sa ponahlali ku stodole zistit rozsah poziaru a zabranit dalsim skodam. V hustom dyme spozorovali postavu v handrach ako sa tacka pred dverami stodoly zahalena dymom.


Udalost z 20. 8. 1913 vyobrazena na detskej kresbe

Ked pristupili blizsie spoznali Cierneho, miestneho zobraka, ktory to v hlave nemal v poriadku. V detstve dostal tazky zapal pluc a vysoke teploty z ktorych sa vyliecil, ale jeho mozog uz nikdy nefungoval ako predtym. V rukach drzal handru namocenu v smole. Medzi chlapmi a Ciernym sa strhla hadka. Chlapi Cierneho obvinili zo zapalenia poziaru a aj vsetkych ostatnych a vo velkom hneve si ho pohadzovali medzi sebou nedbajuc na rozsirujuci sa ohen. Medzitym dym a ziara zobudila obyvatelov okolitych domov. Zakratko bola okolo horiacej stodoly zhromazdena takmer cela dedina. Vsetci boli rozzureni a ked videli, ze pachatel bol prichyteny takmer pri cine, nedali sa ich vasne uz viac udrzat. Okolo Cierneho utvorili kruh, ktory ho tlacil stale blizsie a blizie k horiacej stodole. Velka ziara salala do dialky a zlovestne osvetlovala tvare dedincanov. Storocne drevo bolo vekom a dlhym letom vysusene a horelo ako zapalka. Cierny sa zo zufalstva vrhal proti ludom v snahe uniknut z pasce na slobodu. Zovretie davu bolo ale prilis silne. Nakoniec z kruhu vystupili straja gazdovia, ktori utrpeli najvacsie skody a Cierneho plnou silou vsotili do ziaru a ohna horiacej stodoly. Handry, ktore mal na sebe zacali okamzite horiet. Cierny zareval a pokusal sa z ohna vyskocit dezorientovany od ukrutnej bolesti. Miesto toho, aby si zachranil zivot skokom do bezpecia otocil sa smerom k stredu stodoly a vykrocil. Celou cestou ukrutne krical, po par sekundach bolo uz vidno iba horiacu postavu v strede ziaroviska ako sebou meta a rozhadzuje rukami, pada na kolena ako v modlitbe a chvilu tak zotrva. Bol to obraz ako z apokalypsy, stelesnena predstava pekla a diabla, ktory tancuje v jeho strede. Nikto z okolostojacich dedincanov sa neodvazil mu pomoct. V hrobovom tichu, ktore nastalo pred koncom tohoto hrozneho divadla, a bolo prerusovane iba praskanim dreva, sa postava zosunula konecne na zem a zostala bez zivota lezat priamo v strede ohniska. Az po par minutach sa ludia prebrali zo zdesenia a zacali nosit vedra z vodou pre marny boj so zvyskami poziaru.

21. 8. 1913

Nasledujuci den bola stara ulica uplne vyludnena. Nikto sa neodvazil pracovat na poli ani vo vinohradoch aj ked bol august a prace vyse hlavy. Iba stary Hrivnak, ktoremu zhorela v noci stodola odnasal obhorene tramy na kopu. Spolu so svojim synom vykopali na mieste stodoly plitky hrob do ktoreho ulozili zvysky ludskych kosti nespalene ziarom. Nikto o hroznej udalosti nehovoril a vsetci boli radi, ze poziarom je koniec.

24. 8. 1913

Ddedina sa vracia ku svojim obvyklym povinnostiam, ktore boli poziarmi prerusene a teraz vsetci citia potrebu dohnat strateny cas - z poli zmizlo takmer vsetko zito a raz a postupne sa obera hrozno, ako starocia predtym lisuju z neho dedincania sladky must. Uroda hrozna bude tento rok dobra. Bolo teple leto, bobule su sladke a vyhybala sa im i plesen. Zato so zasobami obilia je to horsie. Zatva bola sice bohata, ale takmer cela uroda zhorela postupne v stodolach sedliakov. Esteze je uz vsetkemu koniec a nikomu sa nic nestalo. Nikomu okrem Cierneho.

28. 8. 1913

Je to uz tyzden od nestastnej udalosti, ktoru nikto nechce pomenovat. Nikto nechce priznat, ze obyvatelia spolocne zavrazdili cloveka. Na hroznom cine sa podielali vsetci. Vsetci ti, ktori nepovolili zovretie kruhu a zatlacili Cierneho do jeho tryzniveho hrobu su zodpovedni.

30. 8. 1913

Horia tri domy v roznych castiach dediny! Nie stodoly, ale priamo domy. Su to domy Mprave tych sedliakov, ktori hodili Cierneho do ohna. Je to mozne? Ved Cierny je uz davno po smrti. Kto mohol domy podpalit? Nebude tomuto ohnivemu trapeniu nikdy koniec?


Dobova fotografia poziaru domu v auguste 1913

31. 8. 1913

Maria Lukacova, zena Johana Lukaca vypovedala pred obecnou radou. Ako jedina videla podpalaca. Mala strhane rysy a unaveny vyraz. To, co hovorila znelo neuveritelne a zmatene: pred polnocou isla na dvor skontrolovat kravu, ktora mala nasledujuci den rodit. Z dvora zacula na ulici sycavy a svistivy zvuk, ako ked sa skvari sadlo na zabijacke. Pokusala sa cez skaru v plote nazriet na ulicu, ale v malom priezore nebolo nic vidno. Chvilu v nej bojoval strach so zvedavostou, ktora nakoniec zvitazila. Odomkla vrata veduce z dvora na ulicu a nazrela von. V tom ju ovial velky ziar a teplo - tesne za vratami stala postava, ktora chvilu  rozhadzovala rukami, chvilu sa drzala za hlavu a HORELA! Horeli jej vlasy, nohy, cely trup, saty mala uz priskvarene ku kozi a nebolo mozne rozoznat, co je este pokozka a co uz zive maso. Postava pripominala diabla. Maria stala ohromena, od laku sa nezmohla na jediny pohyb. Postava trhnutim otvorila dvere dokoran a s hroznym kvilenim vbehla do Humajovho dvora a zacal tanec! Kone sa splasili a v stajni blaznivo erdzali, postava kvilila a rychlo v mukach behala po dvore okolo domu az sa jej nakoniec podarilo najst vchodove dvere a zmizla v jeho utrobach. Cez okna domu prenikalo teraz von jasne svetlo od ohna a ozarovalo cely dvor. Neznamy pekelnik behal po celej chalupe a v hroznych krcoch sa hned zvijal na zemi, hned vstaval alebo sa plazil do dalsej a dalsej miestnosti domu. Vsetko coho sa dotkol alebo kam sa zvalil bolo hned v plamenoch. Nebol to obycajny ohen, plamene boli dolu biele a drevene zariadenie domu spalovali rychlo obrovskym ziarom. Ked sa horiaci diabol vovalil do tretej miestnosti, kde spal stary Lukac, skocil na spiace telo a pevne ho objal. Lukac sa za par chvil premenil na kopu popola, ani sa snad nestacil zobudit. Obaja  zostali lezat v plamenoch. Zrazu horiaci prizrak zmizol akoby sa vyparil a vsade nastalo hrozive ticho. Praskal iba ohen spalujuci dom. Po ohnivej postave nezostalo ani chyru.


Horiaca postava ukryta v kute domu tak, ako ju neskor vyobrazil umelec Machala.

9. 9. 1913

Udalosti v dome sedliaka Lukaca sa  s vacsimi alebo mensimi obmenami opakovali este dva krat v domoch inych obyvatelov dediny. Vsetkym je jasne, ze je to pomsta za nasilnu a hroznu smrt Cierneho. Vec vysetruju urady, nikto ale nevie pomoct. Pravy dovod tusia iba obyvatelia dediny a ti zaryto pred zandarmi mlcia.

12. 9. 1913

Ucitel Benicky navrhuje zavolat na pomoc niekoho, kto ma skusenosti s nadprirodzenymi javmi. Je takmer iste, ze horiaca bytost nema pozemsky povod a je potrebne podla toho k nej pristupovat. Benicky sa sa pocas svojich studii v Prahe stretaval so skupinou spiritualistov, ktori experimentovali  v ramci svojich seansi s vyvolavanim duchov a pokusali sa preniknut do astralu - priestoru susediacom s fyzickym svetom obyvanym dusami zomretych cakajucich na dalsie vtelenie a inymi nehmotnymi bytostami. Tento priestor podla spiritualistov vyplnaju nizsi demoni a elementalovia - bytosti ozivovane najnizsimi ludskymi vasnami a pudmi. Jeden z clenov skupiny bol H. Woltmann, znamy ucitela Benickeho a prazskeho spiritualistickeho umelca Machala. Obaja, Woltmann i Machala, mali uz od detstva intenzivny kontakt s podsvetim. Mali mimoriadnu schopnost vstupit do neviditelnej sfery a ostatnym sprostredkovat spravu z nej. Ucitel prave Woltmanna a Machalu povolal do Zelenic, aby pomohli ocistit kliatbu a demona znicili.

woltmann pocas spiritualisticke seanse.jpg

Woltmann (druhy zlava) pocas seanse Spolku spiritualistov roku 1908 v Prahe

 21. 9. 1913

Seansa prebehla v dome starostu. Pritomni boli Woltmann , Machala a dvaja sedliaci, ktori besnenie demona prezili. Woltmann podobne ako Machala boli media. Obaja predpokladali, ze zahadna bytost sa pohybuje na nizsej astralnej plani ako bezducha schranka, ktora ma presah do naseho sveta. Nizsia astralna plan je zaplnena splodinami myslienok, emocii a vyronami zlej vole. Burlive vizie stiesnenych kedysi ludskych figur sa tu stretavaju a hmiria vo vire pravidelnych geometrickych obrazcov. Do takehoto prostredia musia spiritualisti vstupit, bytost vyhladat a zistit, co moze zmiernit alebo dokonca uplne umlcat jej besnenie na pozemskom svete.


Machalova ranna kresba, ktora zobrazuje nepokojne duse marne cakajuce na nizsej astralnej plani na nove vtelenie.

Seansa zacala a okolo starostovho domu je zhromazdena cela dedina. Zeny i muzi maju v rukach krucifixy a vystrasene drmolia akusi modlitbu. Konecne asi po hodine vychadza rychtar z domu s vysledkom, ktory vsetci cely cas tusili: horiaca bytost nie je diabol ani ziadna jeho forma, je to dusa Cierneho, na ktorom bol spachany hrozny cin a ktory nebol riadne pochovany. Jeho obhorene kosti dodnes lezia pod zrutenou stodolou. Jeho dusa je zaplavena uzkostou a nepokojom a v tomto stave nemoze dojst k jej dalsiemu vteleniu. Preto zostava ako demon na nizsej astralnej plani vo forme bezduchej supky stvorenej splodinamy myslienok, emocii a vycitkami svedomia vsetkych obyvatelov dediny. Pre prinavratenie pokoja je potrebne vyhrabat zo zhoreniska vsetky kosti a riadne ich pochovat do hrobu s nahrobkom v tvare brany a kriza. Branou sa moze dusa symbolicky vratit do sveta mrtvych. Do hrobu je pre ochranu potrebne vlozit amulet - Sem, ktory sa musi aspon raz za lunarny mesiac v noci za tmy vymenit. Amulet Sem moze mat formu akehokolvek gulateho predmetu, maleho alebo velkeho, ktory na seba dokaze naviazat uzkost a rozrusenie duse upaleneho.


Machalova neskorsia malba, ktoru vytvoril na zaklade spiritualistickeho zazitku zo sense v Zeleniciach. Postava s korunou na hlave je samotny Machala, postava vlavo v popredi je Cierny, ktoreho v nizsej astralnej plani vyhladal. Postavy v pozadi su duse uvaznene v nizsej astralnej plani, su naplnene nekludom a uzkostou, ktora je zivena negativnymi emociami pozemskych ludi. Z nizsej astralnej plane pre ne niet uniku.


Detailne vyobrazenie Cierneho vo forme elementala po tom, ako jeho dusa zostala uvaznena v nizsej astralnej plani. Nakres vnikol na zaklade spiritualistickej seanse v Zeleniciach. Ocita svedkyna vycinania elementala, Maria Lukacova neskor potvrdila takmer presnu zhodu nakresu s horiacou postavou, ktora zapalila 31. 8. 1913 jej dom a upalila jej manzela.

22. 9. 1913

Cierneho sme pochovali na cintorine za dedinou podla instrukcii. Maria Lukacova a ucitel Benicky vlozili do hrobu Sem, ktory potom pravidelne vymienali az do ich smrti. Horiaca postava ani ziadny ukaz zo zahrobia sa od tej doby v dedine neobjavil.


Prvy Sem, ktory pouzil ucitel Benicky pre zabranenie navratu elementala do pozemskeho sveta.

Pomozte udrzat dusu Cierneho v pokoji. Prineste gulaty amulet - Sem a vlozte ho na spravne miesto.

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ENGLISH:: I found a locked tin container during the reparations of my grandfather’s house at Horne Zelenice village. It was hidden under the old wooden floor. I did not care about the container at first and I throwed it away to the trash and continued my work.


I thought about everything one more time at the evening: why would anyone hide a tin container and why it was locked? There must me something valuable inside for sure, something what should remain hidden and untouched. I found the container and I broke the lock. For my great surprise it contained his diary full of the notes, schemas and old photographs. Here I bring to you the story which the diary contained:


The diary:

11. 8. 1913

Another barn full of stored cereals was fired. The 200-hundred-old winepress was destroyed also. This has been the fifth case since June already. The richest peasants of the village met at Synak’s house and they were looking for a solution. How to stop these fires? Someone makes the fires on purpose, it is for sure. We will create a night watches and we will guard our property during the nights. Otherwise we could die of hunger during the winter. There is no other solution.

12. 8. 1913

Horvath and Synak were holding the first guard tonight. Other peasants who own bigger properties volunteered to hold the guards during the following nights. Lukac assigned one groom for this too. The whole village is discussing this situation from the morning. We hope that the arsonist will be discouraged by this and the fires stop stealing our food anymore.

16. 8. 1913

Everything is peaceful for four nights in a row already - no fire broke out. It seems that our measures helped.

18. 8. 1913

Four barns burned at the same time today. It is not probably possible that one man could make four fires at once on different places. The guards did not see anyone. The villagers are all scared. The people moved their beds to the barns and they are decided to guard their property during the nights by themselves. The villagers are guarding whole nights and they are exhausted during the days, so they can not manage the necessary work in the fields and in their wine yards.


The barn burning on the lower end of the Horne Zelenice village near the church

20. 8. 1913

The barn of peasant Hrivnak started to burn at one o’clock at night. Synak’s brother-in-law with his groom held the watch at that time. The were hurry to see what happened and to help to extinguish immediately after they saw the fire. Hidden behind the thick cloud of smoke they saw a man dressed in rugs in front of the barn.


The event from the 20th of August 1913 drawn by local child

Once they get closer, they recognised Ciern - the local beggar who was crazy from his childhood. He got high temperatures when he was small and he was never quite well since then. Cierny held a tar rug in his hands. The fight broke-out between the men and Cierny. The men accused Cierny of the arson. They thought that Cierny fired this fire and all the others too. The were beating him right next to the already burning barn. The smoke and the heat waken-up the other villagers in the meantime. All the inhabitants of the village encircles the burning barn in a short time. All of them were angry and it was not possible to stop their rage when they saw that the criminal was caught in the act. They created a thick circle around Cierny and the were pushing him closer and closer to the burning barn. The great heat was glowing to far distance. Cierny wanted to escape desperately, but the circle of the people’s bodies was too strong. Two peasants who had the highest losses because of the fire stepped out of the circle, they caught Cierny and they throwed him into the great head of the burning barn. The fire caught Cierny’s rugs immediately. Cierny was screaming and he was trying to escape the heat. He jumped high disorientated by cruel pain, but instead of directing out of the fire, he jumped to the middle of it. He wa screaming loudly, but nothing helped. The people saw the burning figure as it is falling down directly at the middle of the burning barn. Nobody of the people around helped him. The people remained in a death silence and they were just staring into the fire. Finally the Cierny’s body stopped moving and it remained lying directly in the middle of the fire. After few minutes the people started to bring the buckets with water in an attempt to stop the fire, but Cierny has been death already..

21. 8. 1913

The old street was deserted completely the next day. No one had a courage to work neither at wine yards nor at the fields in spite of the fact that it was August and a lot of work had to be done. Only old Hrivnak, whose barn has been burned, was cleaning what remained of the building. He dug a shallow grave along with his son and he buried the remains of fired man's bones into it. No one talked about the terrible events and all the villages were happy that the fires are over.

24. 8. 1913

The village is returning to it's usual duties, which were interrupted by the fires. Everyone feels the necessity to catch up the lost time - all the hay disappeared from the fields, the wine grapes are crushed to make a fine wine just like the hundreds years before. The wine crop is good this year. It was a warm summer, the grapes are sweet and they did not get mold. The situation with the hay is worse on the other hand. The crop was rich, but almost whole deposits of the hay were burned in the barns of the peasants. The fires are over at least and no one is hurt. No one except from the Cierny.

28. 8. 1913

One week passed from the unlucky event which no one want to name correctly. No one want to tell that the inhabitants of the village murdered a man. Everybody were participating on the terrible act. Everybody who did not let Cierny escape from the deadly flames are responsible?

30. 8. 1913

Three houses are burning in the different parts of the village! Horia tri domy v roznych castiach dediny! Not the barns, but the houses. Those are the houses of the peasants who threw Cierny into the flames. Is it possible? The Cierny has died a week ago. Who could make the fires then? Would this terrible hell suffering end one day or not?


The historical picture of the fire from August 1913

31. 8. 1913

Maria Lukacova - the wife of Johan Lukac was interviewed by the village council. She saw the man who created the fire inside of her house. She looked very tired and frightened. The things she talked about sounded unbelievable and confused: she went to the courtyard to check their cow before midnight. The cow was pregnant, so it needed attention. She hear a strange hissing sound from the street as if a fat is frying in a pan. She tried to look to the street from inside of the courtyard, bud she was not able to see anything.The fear was fighting with curiosity inside her for a while, the curiosity won. She unlocked the door leading to the street and she leaned outside. She was hit by a high heat and bright light instantly - somebody was standing right behind the door, the creature was waving its hands, touching its head in pain and it was BURNING! It's hair were burning, just like it's legs, body, the clothes were glued to it's skin and it was not possible to distinguish between the skin and live flash. The creature remainded the devil. Maria remained standing in amusement, she could not manage to make a single move out of the fear. The creature suddenly opened wide the door to the courtyard and entered it with terrible wailing. The big performance started - the horses got mad and they were just fearfully jumping inside the barn, the creature was screaming and it was running around the courtyard in horrible pain. It searched for the entrance door to the house and it was successful and disappeared inside. The bright light flooded the courtyard from inside the house through the windows. Unknown devil was running through the house and it was falling down to the floor in painful. Maria stood still astonished, she was not able to do a single move. The creature opened wide the gate suddenly and it entered the courtyard shreeking. The horrible performance began. The leashed horses were jumping terrified while the creature was wildly running around the courtyard. It succeeded to find the entrance door to the house finally and it vanished inside the room. The bright light was shining from inside of the house to the courtyard now. The mysterious devil was running through whole house and in a while it was rolling on the floor in in painful waves, it was trying to stand, but it was falling again to the ground burning going from one room to the another. Everything he touched started to burn immediately. It was not an ordinary fire, the flames were white coloured at it's base and they were eating the wooden furniture of the house very quickly. When the burning creature got to the third room it found the old Lukac sleeping there. The devil jumped on him immediately and hugged him tightly. Lukach changed to the pile of ashes in a moment, he even did not have time to wake up, the both remained to lye down in a flames and suddenly as if the burning devil vanished. He was just not there anymore only the fire which was burning the house was cracking silently. The devil was gone.


The burning creature hidden in the corner of the house as the Machala painter expressed it.

9. 9. 1913

The events which happened at the Lukac's house have repeated with same variations two times more at the other villager's houses. All the people are clear that this is a revenge for the terrible death of Cierny. The authorities are investigating the case, but no one can help. The villagers have an idea about the real real reason of the events, but no one say a word in front of the policemen.

12. 9. 1913

The teacher Benicky suggests to call for a help of someone who has some experiences with the supernatural creatures. It is almost sure that the burning creature does not belong to this world and it is necessary to approach it accordingly. Benicky met a spiritualistic group during his studies at Prague. They experimented with the ghost communication during their seances and they were trying to approach the astral - the space next to our physical world which is inhabited by the souls of descended people who are waiting for their another materialisation. This space is, according to the spiritualists, inhabited by lower demons and by the elementals - the creatures fed by the lowest men's desires and passions. One member of the group was H. Woltmann, an acquaintance of the teacher Benicky and a fiend of Prague's spiritualistic artist Machala. Both of them, Woltmann and Machala had had an intense contact with the underworld since their childhood. They mastered exceptional ability to enter to the world of dead souls and to transfer the messages from there. The teacher invited Woltmann and Machala too to visit Zelenice to help clean the village and to destroy the devil.

woltmann pocas spiritualisticke seanse.jpg

Woltmann (the second from left) while the seance of The Spiritualist Community at Prague in the year 1908

21. 9. 1913

The seance was held in the mayor's house. Woltmann, Machala and the two peasants who survived the demon's actin were present. Woltmann just like Machala were the spiritualistic mediums. Both estimated that the mysterious being stays on lower astral plateau as a soulless container which reaches to our world also. The lower astral plateau is filled with the exhales of thoughts, emotions and eruptions of bad will. The wuthering visions of locked used to be human bodies are meeting there, whirling in a flow of regular geometric shapes. The spiritualists have to enter such environment, find the creature and found out what can mitigate or even stop it's bad actions at our world.


Machala's early drawing shows unrest souls hopelessly waiting on the lower astral plateau for their new incarnation.

The seansa has begun and whole village is gathered around the mayor's house. Both women and men holds the crucifixes in their hands and they are babbling some prey. The mayor finally open the door after an hour and announces the result which everybody could guess: the burning being is neither a devil nor any of it's form but the soul of Cierny whose body was not buried properly. Hos burned bones lies under the barn until now. His soul is flooded by the fear and unrest and in this state it can not find another body. This is why he stay as a deamon on the lower astral plateau in a form of souless package created by exhalates of thoughts, emotions and pricks of contious of the village is necessary to dig out the burned bones and put them to a proper grave with the stone in form of a gate and cross. The soul can return to the world of death by using this gate. It is necessary to insert a Sheim, the rounded amulet, which must be changed at least once a month during the night. The amulet will help to saturate to itself the pain and fear of the soul of burned man.


Machala's later painting which he created based on the spiritualistic experience from the seansa in Dolne Zelenice village. The crowned figure is Machala himself while the figure in the front is Cierny who he met at the lower astral plateau. The figures at the fat side of the painting are the souls filled with unrest and fear fed by negative human emotions. They can not escape from the lower astral plateau.


The detailed picture of Cierny in form of elemental after his soul remained locked in the lower astral plateau. The eyewitness Maria Lukacova testified that the same being burned her house on the 31st of August 1913 and killed her husband.

22. 9. 1913

We buried the Cierny on the graveyard behind the village according to the instructions. Maria Lukacova and the teacher Benicky inserted the shem into the grave and they were changing it until their death. The burning figure or any other being from the underworld have not appeared in the village since that time.


The first Shem which was used by the teacher Benicky to prevent the elemental from returning to our world.

Help to keep the Cierny's soul in peace. Bring rounded amulet - Shem and insert it to the correct place.

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