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Stirrup Brook Trail - Micro Tradiční keška

Keška byla archivována.

Northborough Dan: Since the old pot belly stove is gone, the replacement cache is of necessity totally different. So, a new cache ID seems suitable. Stay tuned for Stirrup Brook Trail - Micro II.

Založeno : 02/06/2010
2 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Velikost: Size:   mikro (mikro)

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Popis kešky

A winter-friendly cache along the Stirrup Brook Trail.

The trail is quite flat next to wetlands which are quite pretty in the winter. Be advised - GPSr readings bounce some given the tree cover.

I like the Main St. trail head, which I listed; you get to walk most of the trail from there when seeking all three SBT caches. If you are pressed for time, the Bartlett St. or ARHS trail heads may be better. (See trail map.) (visit link)

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