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RBT1 - Branch Trail Tradicionalni zaklad

Postavljen : 12/05/2009
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Pomembno: za uporabo storitev veljajo določila in pogoji iz naše izjave o omejitvi odgovornosti.

Opis zaklada:

Now that I have placed a few caches along the Minuteman Bike Path south of the Bedford Depot Park I decided to turn my sights west to the Reformatory Branch Trail. This is the first of several caches I have placed along that trail.

Reformatory Branch Trail (RBT)
The Boston & Maine Railroad’s Reformatory Branch was built in 1873 to Lowell Road in Concord and in 1879 it was continued 2.5 miles further west to Reformatory Station (across from the State Prison). There were four passenger stations on the line: Shady Hill, West Bedford, Concord and Reformatory. The branch was abandoned in 1962, and the right-of-way was purchased by Bedford and Concord. The trail is unimproved but it is still a good bike path. Along the way it skirts Great Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary.

The Cache
This is a basic traditional cache placed in an area accessible from the Bedford Depot parking area or from the Reformatory Branch Parking area. The area around the cache has several small streams and it looks like in the springtime the area can get wet. This cache placement is a little out of the ordinary and uses something I found lying around the area to help hide the cache. Be aware the lid is attached and should not be pulled lose.

Good luck and good caching,
Loch Cache

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