Unidentified Puzzle Cache Mystery Cache
Unidentified Puzzle Cache
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This is our first puzzle cache. We tried to make it easy, but it
may require a little work. It is a 3 part puzzle, but only a one
stage cache.
The above coords do not take you to the cache location.
They take you to Sally Pursell's restaurant...The cache isnt
near there at all, but within 2 miles of the cache. You do not need
to go to the store to complete the puzzle. The entire puzzle can be
done at home from your computer, with an internet connection, but
if you choose, you can figure out the first part of the question,
then head to the store to get the 2nd part....Any store will work,
because what you are ultimately looking for is a products UPC
code....Hence the name
Unidentified Puzzle Cache
For the first part of this cache, you will need to answer the
following 12 questions. They are all Halloween related, and are all
fill in the blanks. They are fairly easy, but if you need help,
send us a message (They are all one word answers)
We always trick or treat in the month of ____________
A favorite halloween game at parties is bobbing for
Don't ever let a black _______ cross your path. Unless you want
bad luck.
When you die, you get burried 6 feet ____________
Monsters either live in your closet, or ___________ your
When they answer the door, make sure you yell "Trick or
_______ corn is 3 colors...White, Yellow, and Orange
The __________ horseman scared Ichabod Crane
When you carve a pumpkin, it becomes a Jack O'
Halloween colors, are usually Black and ____________
We are afraid of things that go Bump in the ____________
Tim Burton's stop motion movie was called The ________
After you answer all the above fill in the blanks, Look at all
of your words...Now write down the first letter from all of the
words that you filled in. That bunch of letters is a Jumbled up
mess of letters that you will then unscramble to get another word.
The word you are looking for is a favorite product of mine, that I
often buy every time I go to the store. After you figure out the
product, you can either go to the store, and get the UPC for the
product, or look online for it. No matter where you go, the UPC
will be the same for this product.
Here is a sample UPC code
This is not the UPC code that you will use for this problem. It
is just a sample, and if you attempt to use it, I have no idea
where it will take you!!
If you look at this sample code, you will notice 12 numbers in
total. A small Number at the beginning and 10 big numbers in the
middle, and a small number at the end. For this problem, you will
use all 12 numbers.
After you find the 12 digit UPC code for the unscrambled product,
you will use the following to determine the final Coordinates for
this cache.
N 40 ____ . ________ W 76 ____ . ________
The first 2 numbers after the N 40 are the 9th and 10th numbers
in the UPC code. The number right after the decimal in the North is
the 10th number in the UPC code. The next number is the 9th number
in the UPC code. And the final number in the north is found by
multiplying the 7th number in the UPC times 2.
The first 2 number after the w 76 are the 4th and 10th Numbers
in the UPC code. The number right after the decimal in the west is
the 3rd number in the UPC code. The next number is found by adding
the 3rd and 7th number together in the UPC code. And the final
number in the west is found by taking the 11th number in the UPC
and subtracting 1 from it.
Good luck with this puzzle.
Please do not post any spoilers in your logs, or they will have
to be deleted. I would like everyone to try the puzzle out, if you
are having a hard time with it, please message me with your
questions, and I will help you out
There is a themed FTF prize in the cache for the lucky
Additional Hints
vg vf sbe gur gra, cbvag, sbhe ,mreb bhapr obk