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Swallowed By Darkness: It Devours From Below* Zaklad z uganko

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Opis zaklada:

(This is the third cache in a three-part series. The first cache is GC1RYJY and the second cache is GC1RYKC.)

The cache is NOT at the listed coordinates. To find the cache's actual location you must read the description below.
This cache can be dangerous, and should not be undertaken by the weak of heart. DO NOT attempt this cache if it is raining, or is about to rain.
As always, use common sense while finding this cache and don't take any unnecessary risks.

Click for Irvine, California Forecast
Please check the Current Weather Conditions and Current Precipitation Predictions before doing this cache!

"The third and final item is located much further down the tunnel. You'll come to a sharp incline, and then the path will divide into two short square passages. It doesn't matter which one you take, because they meet up again later.

"That'll take you to a long, straight passageway. There's some bats that make their home here. Try to not disturb them. You'll need to walk to the very end. There, you'll find the Mouth That Devours. At least that's what I like to call it. This was the furthest point that I went to. There was no way I was going to enter that Mouth. In fact, the same day that I found the Mouth was the same day I told our employer that I was quitting the job.

"But enought about that. You don't need to hear about the fears of an old man. The third item should be located near the Mouth. In fact, I was almost convinced that I saw the thing. The only problem was the item was located at least nine feet above the ground, maybe more. And there I was, alone and ladder-less. If you do plan on getting that last item you'll want to take a step stool at the very least, and maybe a tall friend too.

"I admire the courage you have, going back in there to finish my job. But you might change your tune once you spend some time in that tunnel.

"Sure, I admire you. But I don't envy the ordeal that you're signing up for. Things get all twisted up in that tunnel, and sooner or later you don't know if you're leaving or just walking further into the belly of the beast. Sound can get echoed back on itself, and after awhile your own footsteps begin to sound like something else. Like something is sneaking up behind you. Good luck to you. I hope you're more successful at this job than I was."

The man gives you a warm handshake, then gets to his feet and leaves the room. You take another look at all of the notes he provided. You can't shake the feeling that the man seemed to be hiding something from you. Throughout the whole conversation, he never made eye contact with you. Not even once.

••• Congratulations to PriusJames on being FTF!! •••

The Orignal Swallowed By Darkness Series By Clyde Southern and Matilda can be found here, they have all been archived, but I felt the need to give credit to the Cacher who made this series (Subterranean Cartography, Fortes Fortuna Audet, and It Devours From Below)

Also it seems some Crazy Stinky Cachers have placed another cache to be included as part of this series The Mouth That Devours if you choose to undertake this cache or any in this series please keep the weather in mind.

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