Neighbourly Neighbours - The Final Act Mystery Cache
Neighbourly Neighbours - The Final Act
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A mystery cache that is the culmination of the Neighbourly Neighbours series. The location for this final cache is S35 36.ABC & E148 57.DEF
To locate this final cache you must first find the others 6 in the series and collect the relevant clues from them. These other caches, in no particular order, are:
1. Neighbourly Neighbours Urambi Reserve - GC1MNHX,
2. Neighbourly Neighbours Mt Tuggeranong - GC1MNJE,
3. Neighbourly Neighbours Mt Taylor - GC1MNK7,
4. Neighboruly Neighbours Red Hill - GC1MNKE,
5. Neighbourly Neighbours Wanniassa Hills - GC1MNKN, and
6. Neighbourly Neighbours Cooleman Ridge - GCMNKY.
The location of this final cache is reasonably close to a track that winds it's way towards other cache/s in the area (see below), and the walk is easy. However the last 50 or so metres you will need to scramble up and down some medium size granite boulders and also push through some undergrowth. The views from GZ over the nearby valley aren't too bad.
As with the other caches in the Neighbourly Neighbours series, there are other caches in this location to tempt you out here. These include:
1. Lego Land – GCJ163
2. Lego Land II – GC1GE7M
3. Bats in the Belfry – GC168Y0
These particular caches all have great views and, along with mine, can be completed in a day.
(Note 1: Some of these caches have warnings about the terrain in the area. Please ensure you read the cache description before attempting them.)
Please ensure this cache is replaced where you find it. You will need to get down low to retrieve it.
Cache is 1.2lt sistema camo'd container. I have an eye on it so please be careful.
Enjoy the area and the views.
Note 2: Fitzy_1965 accompanied me when I placed this cache. He will be logging a find for this cache AFTER he has found the other 6 traditionals, and AFTER the FTF has been claimed on for this one.
****FTF - Big Matt and Shell*****
Additional Hints
Haqre n ynetr ebpx, irel pybfr gb fznyyvfu gerr naq irel pybfr gb gjb ebpxf gung nccrne gb or 'tebjvat' bhg bs bar onfr.