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Red Pen Zaklad z uganko

Postavljen : 10/18/2008
2.5 out of 5
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si kako poteka geolov

Pomembno: za uporabo storitev veljajo določila in pogoji iz naše izjave o omejitvi odgovornosti.

Opis zaklada:

The cache is not at the listed coordinates.

OK, I admit it, I’m a grammar snob. When I read some cache listings and logs, I just cringe. Whether it’s ignorance or just pure laziness, I’m not sure, but the grammar and spelling on some cache pages is just atrocious. The teacher in me just wants to take out my red pen and start slashing every time I see one of those logs. See below for an example.

 October 18 by Guilty Party (123 found)
I was to excited when I saw the new listing notification come thru for this one. I just knew that this would be one of those killer hide’s, so I called my freind Jonathan to join me. I thought maybey we could carpool, but we decided we would take seperate cars and meet at the trailhead. I spotted Jonathans car as I pulled into the lot. We checked the trail map, packed up, and hit the trail.

After bushwacking our way to ground zero, my friend and me spent a long time trying to spot this well-hidden container. Your an evil hider; this was truely a tough one! Others will have there hands full trying to find this hide! We returned it carefully back to it’s hiding spot and headed back to the car. Thanks for the fun geocashe.

[view/edit logs/images on a separate page]

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