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The Road to McCarthy Tradicionalni zaklad

Postavljen : 06/01/2008
3 out of 5
4 out of 5

Velikost: Size:   običajna (običajna)

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si kako poteka geolov

Pomembno: za uporabo storitev veljajo določila in pogoji iz naše izjave o omejitvi odgovornosti.

Opis zaklada:

Please be aware, this cache has strict opening hours... it’s ONLY AVAILABLE BETWEEN MAY 15th AND SEPTEMBER 15th!

The cache is dedicated to the late British author Pete McCarthy, in whose footsteps you will follow by undertaking this cache. Its name is borrowed from the title of the book (which is well worth a read) in which he traced his family name on a journey that ultimately led him to McCarthy.

The initial cache contains flags from all the countries/states Pete McCarthy visited on his journey to McCarthy (Great Britain, England, Gibraltar, Morocco, Republic of Ireland, United States, New York State, Australia, Tasmania, Montserrat, Montana and Alaska), plus several that are significant to the cache owners (Wales, Canada, Ontario, Germany, Tanzania and Scotland). We encourage those who claim this cache to continue this tradition by adding flags from countries/states/provinces etc. that are important to them and writing an explanation in their logs.

Anywhere else, this cache would probably warrant a Difficulty/Terrain rating of 1/1.5, but given McCarthy's remoteness, located as it is at the end of a 62 mile dirt road cul-de-sac, we boosted the ratings in acknowledgement of the effort required in simply getting here. And since you've come this far, may we suggest you go the extra few miles and visit the mining Ghost Town of Kennicott? Trust us, you won't be disappointed.

Jaspa and UBtastic extend their heartfelt thanks to Neil Darish for hosting this cache. In addition to looking after it, Neil has also donated a splendid FTF prize, which we're really quite jealous of!

Important note: Although the cache may initially appear to lie within the boundaries of the Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park and Preserve, it is actually located on private land.

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